Chocolate covered raspberry eclairs pops | Nadiya's Summer Feasts - BBC

1 year ago

For Nadiya, summertime is party time, and is the perfect excuse to put her busy life on hold and pull out all the stops. In this glorious hour-long special, Nadiya cooks up an array of mouth-watering dishes that she serves up to her loved ones at her own summer party feast.

For dessert, Nadiya goes all out with ingenious raspberry ripple eclair pops, which is a spectacular centrepiece to end any summer party with a bang!

Nadiya's Summer Feasts | Series 1 Episode 1 | BBC

Do you like eclairs?
Do you like ice pops?
Absolutely. Well, that's what we're making.
We're making ripple eclair pops, all in one.
This is the ultimate ice cream lolly, enveloped
in an irresistible crispy chocolate shell.
First of all, the eclairs.
To make the choux pastry, add 125ml of milk
to the same of water, and 125g of butter.
I just want to heat the milk and the water up,
until the butter's melted. That's it.
Add a pinch of salt and two teaspoons of caster sugar
to 150g of plain flour.
As soon as you've got that flour in there, spatula straight in
and give it a really good mix.
And what that's doing is that's cooking that flour out a little bit.
And you can see, as I mix it, it's just coming together,
into one...
Let that cool before very slowly adding four beaten eggs,
and then give it a really good stir. A little at a time,
don't be tempted to put all of it in at once.
Patience is a virtue when you're making choux.
This is the kind of thing that I like to teach my kids
all the time, I'm like, "Guys, who wants to learn how to make
"choux pastry? Come and mix."
Keep mixing until you've added all your egg.
Drop that off the spatula.
And what you should be left with... a V shape.
That's perfect.
For the perfect eclairs,
I always take the time to pipe.
Push forward, pull back.
And then flick.
Keep going.
Back, flick forward.
Perfect every time.
Top tip, put your finger in some water, and then just dab the top,
and then you're going to get a lovely smooth, rounded eclair.
The oven's at 180 right now, so really nice and hot.
And now, I'm going to reduce the oven to 160.
And we'll whack these straight in for 25 minutes.
So that's the tricky bit done, now for the really, really easy,
really simple bit - our raspberry ripple ice cream.
To whipped double cream, add golden syrup, two tablespoons
of icing sugar, and a splash of vanilla essence.
There's no way you can have a get-together in the summer,
and not have some sort of ice cream, you've got to.
And raspberry ripple is my absolute favourite
To make it explode with summer flavour -
pureed raspberries, fresh or frozen.
Look at the colour on that.
It's gorgeous.
We're going to drop that straight in there.
Drizzle it all over.
And then ripple it.
Can you see those gorgeous ripples?
So easy, and utterly delicious.
Just give it a little squeeze.
SHE GASPS Look at that!
And that's going to go straight into our eclairs.
Check those out.
You should be able to hear it.
They're lovely and crisp, and they're hollow.
Pierce the eclairs to let the steam escape,
and pop them back in the oven to crisp up for five minutes.
Once they're fully cooled,
you're ready for an ice pop spectacular.
Can you see when I'm squeezing?
You can see that it's filling up,
and then I'm going to, kind of, twist it round,
and fill up the other side.
You know it's full when it's heavy.
So that's those filled.
And now, this is the pop bit,
this is what makes them an ice lolly.
Lolly sticks.
So, grab one of these, and then just, kind of, poke it straight in,
until you've got enough, just to hold.
You know, we can all buy ice lollies,
but this is just so much more fun.
It's like a little bit of everything.
And now, I'm going to stick these in the freezer
for at least an hour.
Presentation at a party is everything.
Here's an impressive frozen centrepiece
that couldn't be simpler.
We've got some filled with
flower petals.
And then we've got mint.
And then I've got this lovely slab,
filled with herbs.
Smash that up.
We're going to go all out.
Let's get these pops in their summer party dresses.
A treat is not a treat without chocolate.
You can just grab one of these pops, and these are frozen, remember,
so I'm going to dip them straight in.
Oh, look at that!
Toasted hazelnuts on top.
And then I'm going to pop that straight onto the ice,
and it'll set straight away.
I'm going to dip this one in some white.
I think we're going to put some dehydrated strawberries on that.
Think of all the things that you could put on top, whatever you want.
How pretty does that look?
How good does that look?
Everything about this makes me smile.
What's not to love?
Just look at that pile of beautiful eclair goodness.

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