How Your Body Can Transform in Just 1 Week ...

1 year ago

Did you know you can start growing a new body in as little as 7 days?

Yep, within one week you begin to see and feel the difference.

That’s if you stay off sugars, processed foods and high starch carbohydrates, and start having more good fats in your diet, like John did.

John came to our facilities because he suffered from brain fog.

He couldn’t remember as clearly as he used to..

Perhaps you can relate to that?

His wife claimed that his fuse was getting shorter, along with his attention span.

At age 59 he was at risk of Alzheimer’s or at least some sort of cognitive decline.

*Did you know that 1 in 10 of people in Australia over 65 are at risk of Alzheimer disease?
*Or that 7 out of 10 people with dementia have Alzheimer’s?
*And nearly 2/3 of Australians with dementia are women?

In 2022, dementia was the leading death for women and the second leading cause for men after coronary heart disease, accounting for nearly 10% of all deaths.

So, it’s highly likely that you know somebody with Alzheimer’s or dementia and that you want to prevent it from happening to you or your loved ones.

These statistics are quite shocking.

However, your amazing body will have a go at reversing any disease!

It may not always seem like it…

Click on the below link to read Grada's Blog in full ...

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