The Lord is my strength and shield - An interview with Mikki WIllis

1 year ago

Mikki Willis is an investigative filmmaker from California. He is the founder of the production company, Elevate.

He is best known for directing the “Plandemic” film trilogy.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

- Mikki tells us about his upbringing, the death of his brother from AZT and the subsequent death of his mother. He believes both deaths were hastened by harmful medical treatments.

- Mikki also gives us some insight in to what it was like working as an actor in Hollywood.

- In 2008, Mikki had an “out of body” experience, which he describes as “a profound experience with the presence of Christ”.

- In 2016, Mikki was documenting the Bernie Sanders campaign and touring with his team.
He says that was the year of his political awakening and he tells us what he saw on this tour.

- He asked those on the tour, what is the difference between socialism and democratic socialism?

- Was Covid used to accelerate a certain agenda?

- While Mikki was making the film “The Narrative”, in early 2019, which was about the media, media whistleblowers warned him that a false flag, the size of 9/11, was imminent. They later confirmed that the false flag was the Sarscov2 virus.

- How did he meet Dr Judy Mikovits and why did he decide to make the short film, Plandemic 1, which was released May 2020. That film had 1.5 Billion views.

- Did Mikki think, at that time, in 2020, that some things about the Covid-19 pandemic just didn’t add up., was that part of the reason he was interested in Dr Judy’s story?

- Mikki paid for the film himself and was motivated by his own worries about vaccine safety and what he sees as the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry, concerns he traces back to the deaths of his brother and his mother.

- On May 4 , 2020 he uploaded the 26-minute video called "Plandemic" to the internet . This video was taken down by Youtube and Facebook on May 6, which was 2 days later.
Even their private dropbox was infiltrated.
It is the most banned (and most viewed) Internet film in history, reportedly receiving more than 1.5 billion views. Did he have any idea how popular this video would become?

- Mikki discovered that people begin to treat him differently, distance themselves from him, because of Plandemic 1. He lost friends since Plandemic, but he says he didn’t lose friends, really he just lost contacts, but gained real friends. He noted that it is not a friendship if you are bonded by agreement.

- Mikki talks about surrendering our sovereignty to a multitude of ideologies that are ever changing.

- Was Covid planned, why. What was the Trump presidency a factor?

- Plandemic 3 – The Great Awakening. was released this year, 2023, in June.
G. Edward Griffin features in the film, including a talk he gave in 1969 . In 1969, he said many things that have since come true, and Mikki shows the evidence of that in the film.
And then, Mikki interviewed him, 50 years later, and added that interview to Plandemic 3.

- In the film, Mikki asks G. Edward Griffin “How did you know way back then what would be happening today?”. What did Mikki think of his answer?

- We discuss the attack on the family, which is a subject that has come up in many of our interviews on this channel. This topic is explored in Plandemic 3.
Griffin says: “ the real objective is to remove the family as a possible alternate source of guidance and support”. “All totalitarian regimes strive to destroy the close knit family in order to remove any loyalties that might be higher than to the state itself.”

- How important is family to Mikki. And does Mikki agree with Griffin that there is an organised effort in place right now to destroy the nuclear family.

- Black Lives Matter, what was on their “What we Believe” page, which was quickly removed?

- Mikki asked G. Edward Griffin - How do we turn the ship around? How do we do that?

- Mikki will be at the Red Pill Expo on August 12 with G. Edward Griffin, see the link below.

- The 3 Plandemic films are free to watch, which ensures that the people are the distributors, and the films are less affected by the ongoing censorship. Everyone is welcome to donate if they wish. See the link below.

Websites and Videos referenced in the Interview;

- The Plandemic Series website.

- The Red Pill Expo.

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