"Milled AK's are better than stamped AK's" 😵🤯 Part: 1, Devil's advocate video #ak #akm #ak47 #tarkov

1 year ago

Part 1 to a 2 Part Devil's advocate type video aka debate of which type of AK47 variant is better...Milled AK or stamped AK? The debate feels like it's almost as old as the AK47 itself.

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Kore Essentials belts https://www.koreessentials.com/
10% off site wide with coupon code - CAVSCOUT10

Cav Hooah! US Army & Cavalry shop
5% off site wide with coupon code - CAV19D

Otis Technology (Military issued firearm care)
https://www.otistec.com and https://www.shooters-choice.com
15% off site wide with coupon code - CAVSCOUT15

Patch Ops (T-Shirt and Morale Patch shop)
20% off 1st order, use coupon code CAVSCOUT20

Rad Labs 3D display stands
RL3D makes the AR-15 and AK-47 stands I use. Just tell Saul, “Cav sent me” he will get you taken care of. Sadly no coupon code

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PayPal channel donations email: CavScoutTactical@gmail.com

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*Headquarters Staff (Patreon members). These are Patreon members personal firearm channels I urge check out and subscribe to:

H Garza: https://youtube.com/channel/UCJAXaBWgUJBshG4h2zCV3-g

Ninja Scout: https://youtube.com/channel/UC4e0GHKHnFIJy-ARPpgP-9w

JerrBear Tactical: https://youtube.com/c/jerrbeartactical

arsenal #ak47 #ak74
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*Organizations I champion (Please consider donating to):

Wounded Warriors Project: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

Gary Sinise Foundation: https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/

ASPCA: https://www.aspca.org/
(I love all animals and are a huge part of my life and the healthy lives of others both mentally and physically. The ASPCA does incredible work to speak for and defend the speechless and defenseless)

*disclaimer - All videos and content here in is done by a current and trained US Army officer in combat occupation which consisted of years of training and deployments from multiple entities, schools, personal expirience through deployments. “Resume” in the channel’s “ABOUT” section. Deployments that consisted of leading platoon and company/troop size units. In addition to being a commissioned officer University of Pittsburgh ROTC (then Panther Battalion), I also hold a b.a.History. I urge individuals to seek out training. Even i seek private training to make myself more proficient in arms and situational awareness as these skills can have fleeting portions. As an American it is your civil right to own a firearm as protected by the 2nd Amendment, I believe it is your moral obligation to seek individual training in my opinion.
**Nothing I state here or seen in video is legal advice or guidance to be used outside of these entertainment channels.

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