The Cat's Meow

1 year ago

The phrase "the cat's meow" is an American English idiom that means "the best or most desirable thing." It is often used to describe something that is new, innovative, or exciting.

The phrase is believed to have originated in the early 1900s, and is thought to be a reference to the way that cats purr. Purring is a sound that cats make when they are content or happy, and it is often seen as a sign of affection. So, when something is described as "the cat's meow," it is meant to be something that is very desirable and enjoyable.

The phrase "the cat's meow" has been used in a variety of contexts, including:

"That new car is the cat's meow!"
"This new restaurant is the cat's meow. The food is amazing!"
"I got a new job, and it's the cat's meow! I love it!"
The phrase can also be used in a more figurative sense, to describe something that is very impressive or outstanding. For example, you might say that a singer has "the cat's meow" voice, or that a painting is "the cat's meow" in terms of its beauty.

Overall, the phrase "the cat's meow" is a fun and playful way to express your enthusiasm for something that you think is really great. So next time you come across something that you really love, don't be afraid to say that it's "the cat's meow!"
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