Excited dog meets his son for the very first time

1 year ago

Russell was born on October 1st, 2018 at Wildgoose Norwich Terriers near Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He’s been living at his home in nearby Ottawa as the ONLY dog in the house for close to 4 years.

Then Russell made a trip back to the breeders to mate with one of the females and the result, on July 1, 2022, was a litter of two puppies, one female, and little Miles!

Today, September 25, 2022 Russell’s ‘parents’ made the trip back to Kingston to pick up 2 1/2-month old Miles, and they are just now returning to Ottawa with father and son.

Russell isn’t quite sure what he thinks of Miles, yet! He’ll need some time to warm up to the idea of another little terrier running around HIS house lol.

We all gathered at the apartment and we were instructed to make sure that when this cute pair arrived, that we first gave all our attention to Russell - because that’s what he’s used to - being the center of attention!

So here they are arriving together for the very first time.

Wildgoose Norwich Terriers: https://wildgoosenorwich.com/

And here we are on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/russell.and.miles/

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