Blabber Brains Show - S04 E03 - Clip: Lawrence Gowan

1 year ago

Hosts Michael Kadrie and Mark Anthony welcome Lawrence Gowan to the show. Lawrence is asked that, in the early days of his time with the band, was he ever looking over his shoulder to the notion that Dennis DeYoung could possibly be coming back. He affirms that was never the case, but if that were to ever happen, he would probably just continue doing his solo music and shows. But Lawrence also puts a great spin on things by saying that, the spirit of Styx is the culmination of every member that is and has ever been in Styx. Without them, they would not be here and still entertaining audiences for over 50 years.
Members of Styx Present and Past (1972-2023): James "JY" Young (Guitars, Vocals, Synths), Chuck Panozzo (Bass), Tommy Shaw (Guitars, Vocals), Todd Sucherman (Drums/Percussion), Lawrence Gowan (Keyboards, Vocals), Ricky Phillips (Bass, Backing Vocals), Will Evankovich (Guitars, Keyboards, Backing Vocals), Glen Burtnick (Guitars, Bass, Vocals), Dennis DeYoung (Keyboards, Vocals), John Panozzo (Drums/Percussion), John "JC" Curulewski (Guitars, Vocals).

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