Season 3: Episode 13 - OPP (Other People's Parties) Part 2

1 year ago

Your rights, all the time. Nothing more, nothing less, no exceptions. Simple as that.

On Episode 13 of Season 3 of your Liberty-loving-linchpin, constitutional-conundrum-communication-crossroads, posh-porcupine-political-polemics-perspective podcast, we have a two-fer. First, James Bledsoe, Chair of the Veteran's Part of North Carolina, Fayetteville City Council candidate and veteran Justin Herbe, and Candidates Coordinator and veteran Christina Aragues sit down with decidedly not veteran Rob Yates. This discussion goes in a different direction than expected up front, and it is illuminating, deep, poignant, and something you're gonna want to listen to end-to-end.

Next, NC State Treasurer Republican Dale Folwell joins the panel along with LPNC Chair Ryan Brown and LPWake Chair Travis Groo. We talk health care, then we talk marijuana laws, government overreach, integrity, running for office, motorcycles, and even debate if Travis has a prosthetic beard.

Dub Dub and Groo recorded, but technical difficulties require that we release it separately, so keep an eye out.

And Rob continues his transmogrification journey.

Fair warning, this episode does get a little dark sometimes. It is an important, and too-often overlooked, conversation, though.

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