1 year ago

The real causes of high cholesterol, and how to fix it.

Cholesterol is an important fatty substance found in every single cell within the human body which helps to build and protect cell membranes, prevent infections, build hormones, support memory and brain health and build bile.

HDL and LDL are two protein transporters which carry cholesterol around your body where it needs to be. Whilst HDL is considered healthy, there are certain types of LDL (small dense ldl or very low density ldl) which are dangerous and can cause clogged arteries and atherosclerosis.

In this video you will learn about the 6 main causes of high cholesterol levels including fatty liver disease, eating processed sugars, high cortisol (stress), losing weight, guy dysbiosis and hyperthyroidism amongst others. You'll also learn how to normalise your cholesterol levels by fixing your lifestyle habits and using some natural remedies at home.

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