Daniel and the Last Days' Battle for Planet Earth (2007) - #6 The Battle Plan

1 year ago

EPISODE 6 - The Battle Plan
This segment considers the antiChrist’s temporary dominion and his displacement when the Messiah eventually returns. Daniel notes the devil’s influence over the world, informing us that his day will come—at the end.

SERIES - Daniel and the Last Days' Battle for Planet Earth
Dr. Jeffrey Seif compares today’s news to yesterday’s prophecies, demonstrating that we are living in ominous times. Co-host Sandra Levitt gives key insights to help viewers perceive world events with a Word-inspired perspective. Zola makes special contributions in brief teaching episodes, pre-recorded interview segments, and with his timeless music. In addition to being loaded with prophetic insights, drama, music, interviews, and more, this series invites viewers to secure their appointments with destiny by receiving Israel’s Messiah—whom we call Jesus.

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