RICCARDO BOSI RAGE CLIP "Cock Sucker Truckies"

1 year ago

In a recent A1 update video, Bosi made mention of referring to truck drivers as having an IQ slightly above room temperature and that in the past, he had referred to them as "cocksuckers" during a 2021 interview with alternative media podcaster Maria Zee.

The clip has been unearthed (see link below) and Bosi launches into a tirade about the TWU (Transport Workers Union) and the $2.70 an hour pay increase that was negotiated.

Bosi candidly tells the TWU to "get fucked," "go to hell," "get off your lazy arses" and finally to "bring this country to a fucking standstill."

I honestly doubt anybody at the TWU knows who Bosi is or was tuned into his Bitchute presentation with Maria Zee. None the less, I imagine Bosi felt that by screaming into the camera at Maria, somehow his message would make it's way to the required personnel.


Maria Zee Interview with Riccardo Bosi
December 17th 2021

AustraliaOne Party Update and Q&A with Riccardo Bosi
28 August 2023

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