When You Want The Closest Rifle To What The Military Is Using - FN 15 Military Collector M4

1 year ago

We The People Holsters

FN 15 Military Collector M4 Review

I came across the FN 15 Collector Series M4 at the last shot show. I honestly forgot they even made them. So when I saw it, I practically begged them to let me make a video about it.

My desire for the M4 is based on nostalgia, but even more so from the movie Battle Los Angeles. I love the movie, and something about seeing M4s in that film really made me enamored with the classic style of the M4.

However, most people who buy the FN15 Collector Series M4 want them because they're obsessed with having a rifle as close to the military version as possible without the fun switch.

So, if you're a gun enthusiast, collector, or just plain curious, join me for a deep dive into why the FN 15 Collector Series M4 deserves a spot in your arsenal. Hit that play button and let's lock and load some knowledge! 💥🔫

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