S&W Governor. BETTER than My Taurus Judge

1 year ago

Picked up a S&W Governor at a gun show. Paid about the same as Academy Sport's price. Like it because I can shoot the .410/45 Colt and 45 ACP (with "Moon Clips"). Also the double action is smoother then the Judge. The single is very touchy (which is good).

Moon Clips were a pain so I ordered better ones from ezmoonclip.com I inserted a section in the video about them.
Also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NPQIxbI7fc for EZ Moon Clip demo.

45 Long Colt was Precision One, 45 ACP from Defenderammunition.com and the .410 for this shooting was Hornady Critical Defense Triple Defense. The .410 had a kick and was fairly accurate with Rodney shooting. Shooting was from 7 and 10 yards.

NOTE: The cylinder in the Judge won't fit moon clips for 45 ACP (unless you know something I don't.

My Rumble URL https://rumble.com/c/c-1360086 or just, go to rumble.com and search for JohnP on the Cuff

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