THEREFORE you should Smear Vaseline HERE on your Car 💥 (GENIUS Trick) 🤯

3 years ago

Have you ever put Vaseline on your car? - Here I show you why you should do that!

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Do you also think that it sounds weird to smear Vaseline on the car? In this video, I'll explain which part of your car you should smear Vaseline on and what it can do for you! Because it can actually have some good benefits for you.

Because in the winter you probably know the following problem. You want to open your car door, but it won't open. No matter how hard you pull on it, you just can't open it because it's grease-frozen.

And that's exactly the problem Vaseline can help you with. All you have to do is put Vaseline on the rubber of the door. Because this way you can grease it nicely and make sure that it stays supple and that no water can settle there. This will prevent the door from freezing and you will always be able to open it again, even in winter when it is really cold.

Therefore, be sure to lubricate your door rubbers with Vaseline, so that you no longer have this problem in the future!

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