Wrap PAPER TOWELS around your Shower Head for THIS result 💥 (GENIUS) 🤯

2 years ago

Have you ever put paper towels over your shower head? - Here I'll show you exactly what it's good for!

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You've probably never thought of putting a piece of paper towel on your shower head. Yet you can descale it so wonderfully quickly and easily. And how exactly this works, I would like to show you in this short video.

In addition, we still need citric acid. Because citric acid is the perfect home remedy for descaling. Put one to two tablespoons of citric acid in a bowl with some water. In any case, the water should not be warmer than 40°C. Mix it until the citric acid has dissolved.

Now go through this mixture with a household cloth, so that it gets really soaked with the citric acid-water mixture and then put it on your shower head. Press it on and pour the rest of the solution over the cloth. Leave the shower head for about an hour so that the citric acid can do its work.

Then remove the cloth, wipe the shower head again and let the water run for a short time. Your shower head should be completely free of lime thanks to the citric acid and the household cloth. Try out this cleaning trick for yourself!

❌ THIS must not be missing in any household! ❌

✅ Washing Soda ➡️ https://amzn.to/3nafQKa *
✅ Baking Soda ➡️ https://amzn.to/3Dha8f6 *
✅ Citric Acid ➡️ https://amzn.to/3DgGUgt *
✅ Vinegar ➡️ https://amzn.to/3cbH9xz *
✅ Microfiber Cloth ➡️ https://amzn.to/2YGgG82 *

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* I use so-called affiliate links here. If you buy one of the products through these links, I get a commission. This way you support my channel, but of course there are no additional costs for you!


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