Edited Wars News Series Part1 The Right Voices Are Going To Get Louder

1 year ago

Read Along: https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2023/08/no-that-would-be-counterfeiting.html
No! That would be counterfeiting stealing. I am not a thief!

Live by the Laws of God written in our hearts and minds when we are born. Read the Bible laws written in you. God gives you the power to obey them and the words to get it done. God's written word is in your childhood mind! 2,3,4 years old. Keep everyone healthy and happy.

James 5 Repent of counterfeiting money!

Matthew 4:4 AMP

But Jesus replied, “It is written and forever remains written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.’”he right way to live is to build a house build a farm build a family. With your own two hands. Praying to God for justice in your great-granddaddy's life! We suffer today because of what happened then. Communism. Evil stole their farms and gold and put them into slavery under fiat-printed fake money.

@End Game Investor

Those who are addicted to drugs and homeless will have homes and families, Sound sound-minded again. While those in mansions will eat grass and lose everything they did because they did the works of darkness to obtain what they had.

Wars News Series The Strongest and The Weakest

***Wars News Tyranny, All Come From the Devil, Slavery Vs Life, Liberty, and Freedom a Gift from Jesus Christ Kingdom on The Earth With Patriot Gallery***
Part 1 The Right Voices are Going to Get Louder
0:00-7:54 Faith in God, Prophecy, Going to Get Louder, Children of God
8:00-26:55 Professional Fire Department Evidence Maui, Blue Tarp, A calling Card Left at the scene of the Crime. Who is the villain? Let's Call Him "Firey Laser Luther The Destroyer"! He definitely serves Lucifer in Mass Murders and uses Lasers to start fires, to Destroy.
25:55-35:31 War News Slavery vs Liberty Jesus Kingdom, The Laws you are Born With, Safe on Your Own Land!
35:31-50:02 Michelle Pray for Judgement brings Justice and Healing.
50:02-59:40 What is Next? What to do, Dr. Artist Nicotine Patches, Our Covenant is With God, A blood Covenant
59:1:18:55 Lynette Zang, Rafi Faber, Because of Honest Money, The Truth Only gold and silver coins are money, No Taxes, Income, or Property. Because taxes are volunteer. The government employees only get paid when it is doing the job and are good men. The People retain the power of the purse in doing so the People control the government.
1:18:55-End Timothy V. Dixon It is Going to Get Louder, Like When Moses brought down the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai is renowned as the principal site of divine revelation in Jewish history, where God appeared to Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5).
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