Bullies Call My Son a Monkey Now He has Changed My Life Completely

1 year ago

BORN DIFFERENT - Short Documentary
School details
Website : www.ubumwe community center.rw * Ubumwe community Center address: Western Province- Rwanda
Rubavu District/Gisenyi sector/ Mbugangari Cell/ Iyobokamana village
P.O Box 312 Gisenyi
Cell phone: + 250781153722
to donate to the school directly
Video from Afrimax English
Account name: Ubumwe Community Center
* Bank name: EQUITY BANK Rwanda Limited
* USD account number: 4006200477327
* Swift Code: EQBLRWRW
* Main branch address: Grand Pension Plaza Building, KN
4 Avenue, Kigali
* Rubavu Branch: Tel + 250788190206

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