Roy: The value of the property market in China is 8 to 10 times its GDP

1 year ago

08/25/2023 Roy on Outside the Beltway: The US has 7 trillion investment in China right now, covering over 700 listed companies. 99% of the money came from Wall Street and the elites who've been helping CCP to grow its economy. CCP’s real estate sector is collapsing, and the value of the property market in China is 8 to 10 times its GDP, so imagine how big the bubble is. Those people in Wall Street and the CCP kleptocrats don't create any value. And the money belongs to Chinese people and American people are gonna be gone.
08/25/2023 罗伊做客Outside the Beltway:美国现在在中共国有7万亿美元投资,涵盖了超过700家上市公司。这些钱有99%来自华尔街和那些一直在帮助中共发展经济的精英。中共的房产行业正在崩溃,中共国房产市值是其GDP的8至10倍,因此可以想象其中的泡沫有多大。华尔街以及中共的盗国贼们没有创造任何财富。那些本应属于中国人民和美国人民的钱将被盗窃一空。

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