The CCP’s Plan to Bring Down the USD System

1 year ago

08/24/2023 Aila on Steve Gruber Show: The BRICS nations along with a one belt and One Road initiative initiated by the CCP, and the internalization and digitalization of the Chinese yuan, were all set up by the CCP, aiming at opposing and bringing down the USD dollar systems. The CCP has long planned to leverage the internalization and digitalization of the Chinese yuan, to monopolize the worldwide oil network, especially in Asia, Middle East Eastern Europe and East Africa. The ultimate goal is to cut off and control the oil and gas transportation network, the entire energy supply worldwide.
08/24/2023 小飞象做客Steve Gruber Show: 金砖国家与中共发起的“一带一路”倡议及人民币国际化和数字化,都是由中共设计的,旨在对抗并推翻美元体系。中共长期计划利用人民币国际化和数字化,垄断全球石油网络,尤其是在亚洲、中东、东欧和东非。最终目标是控制石油和天然气运输网络,从而控制全球能源供应。

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