The CCP's Utilization of Technology for Control

1 year ago

08/21/2023 Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast: The CCP is good at using technology to control the people. Miles Guo exposed that the CCP utilized technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and blockchain to undermine the United States. And these technologies were applied into some common tools that we currently use today. An example is ChatGPT, as demonstrated in Miles Guo's live broadcasts, where tests in simplified and traditional Chinese, English, topics like Taiwan, the New Federal State of China, Miles Guo yield different outcomes.
08/21/2023 小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:中共善于利用技术控制人民。郭文贵爆料,中共意图使用人工智能、量子计算、区块链等技术摧毁美国。这些技术已经应用到了目前常用的工具中,例如ChatGPT。郭文贵在直播中测试用简体中文、繁体中文和英文提与台湾、新中国联邦和郭文贵相关的问题,ChatGPT却呈现了不同的结果。

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