Violent assault on author Simon Tomlin by Brexit Party supporter in Cardiff

1 year ago

The founder of the Brexit Party [9 November 2016] author Simon Tomlin was assaulted in Cardiff on 2 August 2019 by River House Hotel owner Charles Prothero. Simon used reasonable force to defend himself against the self-proclaimed kick-boxer trained at a local gym. Not content with having infringed his copyright, Nigel Farage's groupies in The Brexit Party Ltd [18 November 2018] nearly all of them former UKIP members, spread a tissue of malicious lies about Simon on social media and this changed Prothero's attitude towards a paying guest at his hotel. The assault was unprovoked and Simon can be heard leaving the hotel in a polite and reasonable tone before Prothero's assault. Prothero and his sister Abigail were both supporters on donors to Farage's passing-off operation in 2019 and the party records will show this. This proves malicious lies act as incitement to violence and Andrew Reid has again attempted to incite violence against Simon with another pack of infantile lies in his troll-trope 'The Art of the Impossible' on 31 July 2023.

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