What was a big or popular saying when you were a teen? #teenagers #teenager #popular #popularmovies

1 year ago

#reddit #reddittymes #tymes #reddittymestoday

Jinx, you owe me a coke.
Up your butt and around the corner
Like totally
“SUCK IT!†*gestures an X over crotch*
That's wack.
My 46 year old son calls me Homeslice.
South Park quotes from the first season: "Screw you guys, I'm going home", "Respect mah authoritah!" "You killed Kenny! You bastards!"Calling something dope, "the bomb" or "the bomb diggity".Deez nuts"Whaddup, dawg?" or calling someone homeboy, but ironically, because we were suburban white kids.Peace out.
You're killing me Smalls!

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