Bishop Williamson: What's The Real Religion Of The State Today, Of Politics Today

1 year ago

Bishop Williamson: What's The Real Religion Of The State Today, Of Politics Today, And Of The Massive People Today?

"The only sin that's still left is Nazi sin. That's the new religion. And Hitler is the devil. The 6 million are the redeemer, which means that the Jewish people are God. That's the religion today. And that's deadly. It's got nothing to do with the Catholic faith … You get Auschwitz instead of Golgotha and the gas chamber instead of the cross. That's deadly."

"Can I blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ? Does anybody worry? No problem. Blaspheme as much as you like. Can I blaspheme against the Holocaust by saying that there were no gas chambers? Horror. Horror. Horror. Burn him at the stakes. He's a heretic."

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