A Journey of Humility: Moses' Path

1 year ago

🌄 A Journey of Humility: Moses' Path 🌄
⚡ Moses was summoned by God while still a nobody. Astonishingly, that hasn't changed – he remains humble, despite all he's accomplished. The story unfolds through Moses: a confident man, schooled in Egypt's ways for 40 years, who assumed his role as deliverer would be accepted. Yet, his people rejected him.

🌾 God intervened, guiding Moses to the desert's solitude for another 40 years. Here, the transformation began. From knowing it all to understanding he's nothing, Moses learned to shepherd with care, nurturing and loving God's people.

🌊 Two sets of 40 years: one of prominence in Egypt, the next of humility in the wilderness. The latter years equipped him with wisdom he couldn't acquire from books. Now, as Moses embarks on the final 40 years, he's armed with the lessons from the desert, a humble shepherd leading God's chosen people.

#MosesJourney #PathOfHumility #DesertWisdom #TransformativeYears #DivineGuidance

1 Samuel 15:22 "To Obey is Better than Sacrifice" https://youtu.be/CHhx8FKITSs
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