HEATED Debate w/ Feminists. Wage Gap, Pro Choice ft. @MikeRashidOfficial

1 year ago


0:00-0:53 Announcements

2:29 guest intro

4:34 superchats 4:53 Girls views on dating (CAPPIN MARVEL comes out)

13:19 superchats 17:50 views on dating continued (more capping)

19:41 Mike gives his opinion to Sharon Osbourne (and calls out the CAP)

23:20 Mike talks about dating

24:28 Girls talk about dating (more CAPPING)

29:44 Superchats (LOL)

34:04 Chris lays down the law

34:38 Time you met a guy and he turned you on/off

37:57 Fresh and Mike chime in

45:34 Myron asks if she believes in traditional male/female roles/"Evolved

traditional" explanation/debate

50:28 Time you met a guy and he turned you on/off continued

52:08 Mike says what turns him on/off about a girl

53:54 Superchats

54:28 Sharon Osbourne give a rebuttal about CAPPING 55:24 Short debate about women wanting marriage

56:51 Time you met a guy and he turned you on/off continued

1:00:34 Superchats/Twitch poll results 1:02:42 Video: Mr_Organik with girl CAPPIN about her arousal

1:08:59 Girls gives their opinion on the video

1:10:52 Mike gives his opinion on the video 1:13:10 Get the likes up/Fresh's foot

1:15:20 Ninjas come out!

1:17:08 Ladies and Mike promote their stuff

1:19:45 Video: Mr_Organik with girl CAPPIN about her arousal continued 1:22:18 Sharon talks about having a male friend wait 13 years SMH (CAPPING


1:25:16 Myron responds and weighs in/Friendzone debate (Fresh gets pissed at


1:30:22 Blonde gives her opinion 1:31:35 Sharon's rebuttal

1:35:16 Mike nives his oninion
1:30:22 Blonde gives her opinion

1:31:35 Sharon's rebuttal

1:35:16 Mike gives his opinion


Myron tells dudes not to give out free attention

1:37:31 Mike weighs in again 1:38:20 Sharon gives her opinion and continues the CAP


Twitch polls/Superchats 1:41:05

Women want average dudes? Short debate/CAPPING The percentage of men who are sexually active with women


1:45:29 Mike confirms the stats 1:47:04 Myron breaks down the stats on the sexual marketplace

1:48:54 Mike dips out

1:49:23 The debate continues (gets a bit heated)

1:54:06 The exception does not make the rule


There is no male privilege in beauty 1:58:41 Girl debates male privilege

1:59:57 Wage Gap Myth/Abortion debate (gets heated)

2:05:39 Chris weighs in

2:06:32 Wage Gap Myth/Abortion debate continues

2:10:56 FRANK CASTLE threat by Chris!

2:11:20 Debate continues 2:13:39 Superchats/Sexual access discussion

2:16:12 Wage Gap Debate continues/FRANK CASTLE threat!/Sharon

LONG rant 2:32:46 Superchats/Debate continues

2:45:36 Final thoughts/Friendship discussion/Myron breaks it down 2:57:59 Women can't handle male problems discussion (gets heated)

3:04:39 Chris asks the girls to respect the platform 3:05:57 Superchats/Outro

Guest (Mike Rashid):

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHp-... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikerashid/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikerashid7

Website: https://mikerashid.com/

Ambrosia: https://ambrosia.mikerashid.com/
Guest IGs:

https://www.instagram.com/ajlabrama/ https://www.instagram.com/penelopeslo...


https://www.instagram.com/jenellyedith/ https://www.instagram.com/biancamiche....



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