Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition: Remastered

1 year ago

From cjnewson88 - Feb 16, 2019
"So it recently came to my attention that about 2 months ago Korey Rowe uploaded an HD remake of 'Loose Change 2nd Edition' on YouTube.

A second edition of the second edition...

This was rather fortunate, as in the last year or so I've noticed that there are no copies of 'Screw Loose Change' online anymore. I have a copy on my computer but the quality is so poor I was considering for a while of remaking it.

But upon viewing this HD Loose Change I noticed that the film was completely redone. There was clearer pictures, footage, and animations, and even Dylan was brought back in to narrate it all again.

But what most surprised me is that the content of it was a little different too. Only a couple of very minor 'new' things, most of the changes was the removal of a fair amount of claims.

Still, stunned that someone would remake a 2005 conspiracy film in 2018 and not include any of the massive quantity of previously unreleased 9/11 information now available to the public, I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to not only remake Screw Loose Change with HD footage, but also add to it with the plethora of new information which is now available to us compared to when Mark originally produced it in 2006.

So without further ado I present:

Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition: Remastered

Which will most likely get a DMCA copyright strike put on it by those 'Louder Than Words' nice guys within a couple of weeks, and so if it does I'll just upload it to LiveLeak and put a link here.


p.s. there are a couple of minor grammar errors floating around in this, so sorry for that...

This is a re-upload to fix a couple of minor spelling/grammar errors, remove the 'ear rape' from the Pentagon witnesses and increase the volume of the rest of them, and fixed the part at the end where the music had dropped in over the last part of Loose Change for some reason...

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