Let’s Get America Back on Track | Dr. John Hnatio | ONN

1 year ago

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At ONN, our mission is to serve as an underwriter laboratory for the objectivity, integrity, and truth of the major news stories of the day. We believe that democracy depends, now more than ever, on a properly informed public. With the advent of the digital age, we face a crisis of information overload. Our goal is to help news consumers separate fact from fiction in the vast seas of information they read, see, and hear on the news media. Our objective is to help promote civil discourse on the real issues of the day by fighting the phenomenon of “fake news” and other efforts intended to mislead and misinform the public about the true facts.

The Objective News Network is dedicated to giving every consumer of the news the true facts presented in an objective way, free from bias. To accomplish this goal, we strive to present all sides of an issue by researching and presenting information on both sides of every story we publish. Our collective goal is to promote civil discourse on solutions to the pressing social issues of the day. Dr. John Hnatio, as Editor in Chief, of the Objective News Network, is responsible for the content and presentation of the news we publish.

This is John Hnatio reporting for the Objective News Network.

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Today, every American would have to cough up a whopping $97,674 to pay off our national debt. That’s more many than most of us earn in an entire year. And the news only gets worse from there. The national debt is growing so fast that there is no way to keep up with it.

Video chapters
1. 00:00 – Intro
2. 00:20 – Sometimes This Can Be a Very Tough Job
3. 01:52 – The News Only Gets Worse from There
4. 09:44 – What the U.S. Needs Right Now
5. 11:02 – Outro

Video references
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEWeminhqPg&ab_channel=TheEpochTimes
- https://www.pgpf.org/national-debt-clock?gclid=CjwKCAjwxOymBhAFEiwAnodBLN3mlVFV5siubg4_63c5Grs21e1e646jdH0Pagd2WXSMBVlS6sA17BoC7R0QAvD_BwE
- https://www.heritage.org/defense/commentary/our-military-dangerous-decline-and-the-reason-why
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15179980/
- https://www.darkdaily.com/2021/11/08/demographic-shift-means-lower-birthrates-and-aging-populations-around-the-world-suggesting-big-changes-for-global-healthcare-pathology-groups-and-clinical-laboratories/
- https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/A-Crisis-Is-Looming-For-The-US-Energy-Grid.html#:~:text=The%20U.S.'%20aging%20energy%20infrastructure,shortages%20for%20years%20to%20come
- https://www.statista.com/chart/25542/global-land-and-ocean-surface-temperature-anomalies-in-july/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=gRfNB2lNmh4&ab_channel=Drift0r
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_explosion
- https://hbr.org/2018/05/what-it-takes-to-think-deeply-about-complex-problems
- https://www.rand.org/topics/complex-systems-analysis.html

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