How I see the note colors as I play piano.

1 year ago

C is red = Love/Blood (The Eurythmics: "Love is a Stranger")
C# is red-orange = Physical activity (Vangelis: "Chariots of Fire")
D is orange = joy/hunger (Beethoven "Ode to Joy")
E-flat is orange-yellow = Awareness (Bach French-Suite no. 4)
E is yellow. = Consciousness. Christ. (Sia: "Footprints in the Sand")
F is lime green = letting go, growth (Gospel music & hymns)
F# is grass green = transition [hold on--Franks mind is blank]
G is aquamarine/turquoise = communication/fluidity (Voices Carry)
A-flat is blue = death/separation (Sting "Every Breath You Take")
A is indigo-blue/blue-violet = epic concerns (Led Zeppelin: "Kashmir") B-flat is violet/purple = dream state, magic (Prince: "Purple Rain")
B is magenta = spirits/the aethers (Ray Parker Jr. "Ghostbusters")

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