Is This Not A CRIME? Rogue Armed Met Police On Private Property. (Shad O Banned's Edit)

1 year ago

After a visit to London's City Airport to drop someone off for a flight , there was a debacle outside as I filmed the planes coming in & out.
Four Armed Police confronted me claiming I had no right to film or even reason to be there & that if I didn't stop filming , I would be arrested under the Bye-Laws. Further to this, they then summoned over an airport staff member (using her NAME) who came out then threatened me with arrest - outside of the airport's jurisdiction.
My point that there should be clearer signage (there was NONE at ALL) On the route i took in & a sign at the top of the road , while claiming to be private property , allows access.
After this , Met police were seen on private property , in a secured entrance property.
As Auditors, we know that going through secured doors or over/through fencing is at least an aggravated trespass & could be viewed as a Break & Entry.
The 'rogue' officers were outside of their remit & therefore presumably subject to the same rules. There is also signage in the car parks saying 'resident only' parking .;
Of course there is excemption for official police business , but when i called local police after , they claimed to know oif no operations by the Met in the area.
There has still been no response from Sir Mark Rawley who co-incidentally made a statementy to the press just the next day , about 'Rogue officers'
Was his statements purely rhetoric though as this is a perfect example of how the Met police will act this way yet there has been no consequence since & no even a reply .
Updates re Sir Mark will follow.
The viewer who said it was a waste a time contacting the local MP - SIR JAMES DUDDRIDGE was correct. nothing from that 'sir' either

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