Change Your Diet for Good

1 year ago

********** Change Your Diet for Good ********
What is that?” This is the question that I’m constantly getting in the nursing break room as I scurry in there trying to find a second to stuff my face so I can get back out there to save the day. Ever since I have been a nurse, I do not think that one day has gone by where my diet has not been mentioned. Admittedly, most of the time, I like the attention. However, sometimes answering the same question 3 times per day every single day of your life can get a little tiring. Especially when you only have 30 seconds to eat something.
This questions surprises me though, with so much information on how to eat well, why is it that people are asking me what I do. These days we are inundated with great information, diets that work, eating plan after meal plan. Why is it that most people do not take advantage of this and still continue to make poor choices?
This question has baffled me, because the opportunity to fill your body with nutrients just comes down to one thing. Self discipline.
When I realized that self discipline was the culprit… everything made sense.
Most people believe they can “trust” themselves and I know for sure that I cannot.
What do I mean by that?
Okay, take for example; I’m at work and I’m moving around, burning a ton of calories. I am about to take my break because I’m 2 seconds away to meet the floor. However, as I’m placing my hand on the knob, my patient's husband calls for his wife who just had surgery and needs something for pain. I know I could call my nurse buddy, however, she has 7 patients, so I want to reserve this for when absolutely necessary.
I find the strength and blood glucose from the innermost regions of my cells lol. After giving my patient her medication, now I’m seriously starving!
This is what I’m talking about. In this starving state, if you placed me in a cafeteria, you have no idea what I would return with! I only trust my stomach on a full stomach, nothing less.
Which is why I pre pack my meals in the comfort of my home, after I have already eaten and am ready to make wise choices.
So essentially, it is not that I’m disciplined, it is that I plan for when I am the weakest so that it is easier for me to eat healthy (what I have packed) than it is to go all the way to the cafeteria!
In this video you will also hear about some more tips, I hope you love them!
Please give the video a thumbs-up if you do!
See you next Monday for some Motivation!

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