Proof I wanted to put on, involving myredbook dot com, republican, felons

1 year ago

Best suited to viewers age twenty one, or, older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury, solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solcitiation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander, blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making, manipulation, general brutality, and/or misconduct, and for victims and survivors of s*xual assault, inc*st, m*lestation, and r*pe

Proof, I wanted to put on, that myredbook dot com, republicans, felons, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, perjurers, 422 pc death threat makers, solicitors of stalking, stalkers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, witness intimidators, obstructors of justice, bribers, blackmailers, extortionists, kickback providers, kickback receivers, p*mps, Bill/Memo/William Hinckley, and middle 'ex mafia" member George Chapel, both lived in New Mexico, and that myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, perjurer, 422 pc death threat maker, solicitor of stalking, stalker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, witness intimidator, obstructor of justice, briber, blackmailer, extortionist, kickback provider, kickback receiver, p*mp, Alex prazma actually has lived in Louisiana, just like myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, perjurer, 422 pc death threat maker, solicitor of stalking, stalker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, witness intimidator, obstructor of justice, briber, blackmailer, extortionist, kickback provider, kickback receiver, p*mp, @ georgewherbert (twitter) / George William Herbert.

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