S3E44 | Kate Field - Masonic Bloodline Survivor on Healing 1,000 Years of Abuse with the Holy Spirit

1 year ago

This week I’m honored to introduce you to someone who has become a very special person and dear friend in my life and who has a tremendous testimony that I’m thrilled for you all to hear. Introducing, woman of God, voice for the voiceless, satanic ritual abuse, human trafficking, freemasonic and MK ULTRA mind control survivor, programmed multiple, generational trauma circuit-breaker, professional angler and bass fisherman, traveler, former gaming industry worker, and one of the sweetest, kindest and most generous people I’ve ever met, Kate Field!

Kate was born into a multi-generational incest based, masonic bloodline family dating back at least a thousand years. She just recently began recalling memories of her abuse about a year and a half ago and has been slowly piecing together the puzzle of her life. Deconstructing 1,000 years of history is no easy task and it’s really impressive what Kate has been able to reverse-engineer and put back together about her life, her abuse, and the personal affiliations her family has had to people and places in history that you would all recognize by name. Although she isn’t 100% sure of her role in the cult system, she does know that she was used for highly technical jobs that she will explain in her own words in this interview.

Unraveling the web of deception of her life has been nothing short of the hardest thing Kate has ever done and I ask you all to say a prayer of protection for her and over this podcast as you listen. This is the first time Kate is speaking out publicly using her last name and she risks a lot coming forth speaking her Truth. From the body memories resulting in literal physical side effects that we will show you in photos, horrific flashbacks, to disobeying and going against the same mind control that her abusers spent so much time to program into her subconscious, Kate standing here before us today is nothing short of a miracle. Those who tried to break her didn’t realize she’d flip the script and that the only thing breaking would be the cycle of generational trauma and abuse.

You may recognize Kate after seeing her on Lisa Meister’s podcast, “Only God Rescued Me” and I just want to take a moment and praise her for coming onto ‘The Imagination’ and doing her second podcast in such a short amount of time. It takes an extreme amount of strength and courage to be able to get up in front of an audience and divulge the most horrific and horrible things you’ve ever been through. Kate is an extremely brilliant and eloquent speaker with a gentle heart and has been led by the Holy Spirit to be here today sharing with us. One thing I love about Kate is her close relationship with the Holy Spirit and how she is fully led by his word and glory. I know you will all fall in love with her and be inspired in the same ways that I have!

We have so much to learn from survivors, and Kate is an absolute wealth of knowledge and a beacon of light. She has been one of the biggest supporters of this podcast - showing up almost every Sunday for the YouTube premieres, validating and encouraging every guest, and supporting every platform I venture off onto. I want to personally say ‘Thank You’ to Kate because her constant encouragement has been a huge influence on me and on this podcast an has left a lasting imprint on my heart..

I ask you all to please put down whatever you’re doing and give Kate your full attention. What you are about to hear will be a lot of new information as well as information that corroborates with past guests like Nathan Reynolds and Faye Russell.

Before I finish introducing this week’s guest, I wanted to give a reminder that if you are a survivor or whistleblower who wants to share your story on the podcast or wants to share any information privately with me, you can now email me at IMAGINEABETTERWORLD2020@GMAIL.COM! Please send me a briefing of who you are and how I can support you whether it’s through podcasting or sharing information. I also recently started a Substack that I’d love to have your support on that you can find at www.EmmaKatherine.Substack.com. I have been doing weekly recaps and insights on my podcast and using this as a place to publicly journal my journey as an advocate for our children. All my social, email and project links can also be found in the show notes and as always - I’m so grateful for all your support.

Instagram: @katherine_field - https://www.instagram.com/katherine_field/
YouTube: @KateFishing
Website: https://katefishing.com/

"Unmasking Freemasonry" on Amazon: https://a.co/d/8gctFL3

Emma's Substack: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/
EMAIL: imagineabetterworld2020@gmail.com
All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theimagination
BUY ME A COFFEE: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theimagination
Website: https://standbysurvivors.com

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