WUW #3 - Corruption In The Medical Establishment / Medical Freedom In An Age of Tyranny

1 year ago

Dr. Sheila Furey speaks at Wake Up Winchester #3 Health and Freedom Conference in Winchester, Virginia. Dr. Furey covers a wide range of topics:

- Medical Freedom in an Age of Tyranny
- The Problem with Consensus Science
- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 1986
- Toxic Additives
- Lack of Placebo-Controlled Trials
- No Long Term Safety Data
- Autism
- Childhood Illness Builds Resilience
- Code of Virginia

Link to Code: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title22.1/chapter14/section22.1-271.2/

- Exemptions and Enrollment Forms

1. To file a religious exemption, fill out the CRE_1 form for each of your children in school, preschool, or daycare. Notarize the form(s) and submit it to your school’s superintendent. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/11/2016/04/cre_1.pdf
2. Medical Waiver language is located on Page 3 of the Student Enrollment Form https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/58/2021/01/MCH213G_School_Entrance_Fillable-Form.pdf

- Informational Books and Resources for Vaccines

1. Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
2. Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Thomas Cowan MD
3. The HPV Vaccine on Trial by Mary Holland JD, Kim Mack Rosenberg JD, and Eileen Iorio 4. Profiles of the Vaccine Injured by Children's Health Defense
5. Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak by Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Brian Hooker - Child Sacrifice / Human Sacrifice

- Digital Dangers in the Classroom Parental Education
- Predators Online

1. iGuardians™: Combating Child Predators | ICE Cyber Crime Center - https://www.ice.gov/topics/iGuardians
2. Safe Surfin' Foundation | Videos https://safesurfin.org/videos/

- Screen Addiction

1. Kids & Tech Addiction with Dr. Victoria Dunckley by Green Street News (soundcloud.com) - https://soundcloud.com/greenstreetradio/kids-tech-addiction-with-dr-victoria-dunckley?si=b2b14e298f79424abd7d0c0abc4dddd8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

- Solutions: Ed Tech Triangle

1. www.everyschool.org/the-edtech-triangle

- Children Are Vulnerable to Radiation
- Tech-Safe Schools Proximity & Duration

1. https://www.techsafeschools.org

- Informational Books and Resources on Electromagnetic Radiation

1. EMF*D by Dr. Joseph Mercola
2. EMF Practical Guide by Lloyd Burrell
3. The Electric Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg
4. Radiation Nation: Your Complete Guide to EMF Protection & Safety: The Proven Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) & What to Do Protect Yourself & Family
5. The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology by Nicolas Pineault Dr. Furey is the founder of Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance (VAMFA) and an expert in her field of Psychiatry.

Dr. Sheila Furey - https://vamfa.org/


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