The CCP’s 'anti-US' pundit Sima Nan criticizes the US on one show while praising it on another show

1 year ago

8/25/2023 The 'anti-American' CCP pundit Sima Nan ends up slapping his own face. On a domestic TV show in Communist China, he calls the U.S. a terrible place he wouldn’t even want to go to, even if someone paid him money. Meanwhile, on an American show, he praises the U.S. as a paradise he would want to live in for good. We hope that the Chinese people won't be fooled and deceived by such CCP mouthpieces any longer!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/25/2023 中共“反美斗士”司马南自我打脸,在国内节目上批评美国是给钱也不会去的鬼地方,而在国外的节目却称美国是他不想离开的天堂。希望中国老百姓不要再被中共这些喉舌所愚弄和欺骗了!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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