1 year ago

U B Ready
PO Box 579
Rutland VT, 05702


U B Ready



Revelation 13: 7-10
7  And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9  If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10  He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with sword.  Here is the patience and faith of the saints.

My son, THE WORDS I SPEAK TODAY ARE HARD WORDS to give to My body.  

Although it seems that PERSECUTION will not come to America, I tell you now - HEADS WILL ROLL.   

After My judgments SHOCK THE WORLD, My body will START TO RISE UP.  Many will REBEL against the son of perdition and will be PERSECUTED worse than the saints in times past. 

Some deaths will be slow and painful - like mine was.  While others will be quick - like John the baptizer.  HEADS WILL ROLL by the tens of thousands, and those who take his mark will CELEBRATE in the streets.

My son, tell My body to STAY IN MY WORD - for FAITH comes by hearing - and GREAT FAITH comes by living My Word.  Very evil men in high places have planned the cleansing of My body from the face of the earth.  Depending upon the nation and its leader will determine the PERSECUTION. 

Some will stone My children.
Some will shoot My children.
Some will starve and work them until they die. 

The preferred method will be decapitation - this will have the greatest effect on people.  Evil men will make it a show - a production - to show the world that those who believe in Me will be eradicated. 

My son, a period of GREAT PERSECUTION is coming, and My body is blissfully ignorant that it will ever come.  My Word says that the son of perdition will make war on the saints and overcome them.  Do you think that means taking away your money?? 

I tell you now - HEADS WILL ROLL in America. 

The TIMES OF CHAOS will continue to grow worse and worse, and it will ALL BE BLAMED on My children.  Wars - Climate Change - Famine - and Pestilences will ALL BE BLAMED on My children. 

Those who think I will snatch them away will stand in unbelief, saying, "IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!"

REPENT NOW! for not standing on My Word. 
REPENT NOW! for believing the lies taught by man. 
REPENT NOW! and stay on your knees in prayer - praying for STRENGTH TO STAND in that day. 

Those who are alive and remain until the end will be taken. 

This HARD WORD is for those who will see ALL THIS COME TO PASS. 


Lord Jesus

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