1 year ago

Through the combined mass effort of millions of freedom lovers worldwide, we have put forward into motion a massive, unrelenting counterattack against the New World Order & their crimes against humanity.

Operating through subterfuge, those seeking to bring the world to its knees used COVID-19 as their main battering ram to attempt to do so. An absolutely genius veil of camouflage was used to keep the common folk from becoming suspicious of their diabolical plans.

Healthcare became their smokescreen, & in a mad dash to get as much of the population vaccinated as possible, they largely succeeded.

Worried for their own health & the health of their loved ones, the masses have walked right into a trap. They have given their trust to wolves in sheep’s clothing & are entirely unaware.

It is now, at this very moment in time, more important than ever to question anything & everything they tell us. Do not give in. Do not give them an inch. Events will likely be unfolding in the near future that closely resemble those of the first wave of the covid19 medical attack. We cannot let another SCAMdemic materialize.

They are wise to the fact that we know what they are up to. If you think we are in the clear, you are incorrect. Isolate yourself from the hysteria of the masses, and avoid their injections like the plague. Things almost always get worse before they get better. Our day will come.

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