Prophet Julie Green - Coming Fall of the Global Government Their Economy and Their Control Captions

1 year ago

Good morning everybody! Today is still actually Tuesday, June 27th of 2023. You will see this on Wednesday, June 28th, because I'm actually taking a trip out of town unexpectedly. So, I want to make sure that you receive these prophetic words, encouraging words, or prophecies fulfilled or whatever the Lord has for me to do for the rest of this week for you.

Now I have another powerful prophetic word today, and it's called the coming fall of the global government, their economy, and their control. Before I get to this prophetic word, I will be on with Pastor Dave today because, again, you'll see this on Wednesday. I'll be on with Pastor Dave with "Take Five in His Glory." It will be at 11 o'clock Central time. I am so looking forward to that live show. I always love being on with Pastor Dave because of the confirmations that God gives every single time we are on together. So, I hope you guys can join us. It's at 11 o'clock Central Time.

Also, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807.

Now again, for those of you who do not know, we do have a very powerful prayer team here at Julie Green Ministries. We are here for you. We pray for you each and every day. And just to know, you're not alone, even though sometimes it does feel that way. And thank you to all of our viewers and our partners who have been sending in praise reports on all the miracles that God is doing. It is so awesome to see that. Keep them coming and encourage us, myself and the prayer team. So, thank you. Thank you so much. We love to hear from all of you.

And also, I just want to let you know, this prophetic word was given during a prayer call. And so, I'm going to share my screen with you, and then I'll be back on after this video is over. I think it's a little over seven minutes long. So, I'm going to share this screen with you so you can hear the prophecy.

This is a time of great battle, a time of great conflict. This is a time where you see evil, how it's been trying to reign. You've been seeing the control that it's had upon this Earth. It's not that time. No, it's not. The walls are falling, mighty walls are falling. Big names are falling, big banks are falling, big corporations are falling, Hollywood is falling, the three-letter agencies who were against me are falling. Global governing and governance, those people are falling, these world leaders are falling.

I've been speaking to you about the Great and Mighty Fall. You see in my word about the walls of Jericho and how quickly that wall fell, that wall that was built up, it looked like it was impenetrable. It looked like nothing was gonna ever bring it down. Evil people think that they're so smart and build up these things so indestructible. But they don't see I can flick it away with no power at all, just flick it with a finger and it would be gone.

My children, to change the course of this world and to change everything that you're seeing and to change what's happening in your nations, what's happening in the body of Christ, it doesn't take my full strength to change it. Things can change very quickly, and things will. I told you about the economy falling, I have warned you. They're going to try more things. But remember this day, remember what I say, it's all coming down, it's all coming down like the walls of Jericho.

It's coming down just like the Red Sea when it was held up for a certain time so my people could walk through. I've been holding certain things up so my people could walk through to the other side.

You may not understand this right now, but you will. Things have happened, great things have been happening when you're unaware and you don't see, but it's me. It's me behind the scenes; it's me doing these things. I am allowing certain things to go on for the day that's drawing near, very near, of the great and mighty fall of the globalists and of their banks, and of their businesses, and their news, and their governments that they put in place everywhere. They infiltrated many things, and I will show you it all. Watch my hand at work. Remember how powerful my nostrils were by parting the Red Sea. Just think how much more power my hand will do and more destruction that it will do against your enemy.

Things are falling, yes falling, coming down. This is the shaking; you are entering into the days of the shakings, the days of judgments, the days it's changing the course of this world from upside down to right side up. Hold on, hold fast, draw near to me, draw closely, and you will see me. You will see me and who I really am, and you won't be moved by anything around you. Don't be moved; that's another marching order for you. Don't be moved. I will help you, ground you, give you that stability to stand even though the Earth is shaking underneath your feet, physically or spiritually.

Things are coming down, systems are coming down, laws are coming down, presidents are coming down. This is the time that many people have been waiting for. Don't give up now, don't give up now because with this great fall and all these things coming down, the beauty that will arise out of the ashes, the strength of my church and my body doing what it was called to do since before I made this world. My children will take their place where they were always meant to be and great authority, saith the Lord.

Sorry, I had my mic muted while I was playing the video. Okay, so what the Lord is saying in this prophetic word, again, he talks about a great fall. He's been saying this in many different prophetic words. You can use that example of the book of Exodus where the entire kingdom, we say the entire evil empire of the Egyptians had fallen. Everything had imploded, the judgments came with the plagues, you had them lose everything, and of course then the Pharaoh and all of his men had lost their life as well in the Red Sea. And of course, God keeps mentioning the Red Sea for each and every one of us. He keeps reminding us of his power. He's reminding us that the Red Sea was again the way of escape for his children. But also, I just said this about an hour or so ago when I did this video yesterday. Somebody wants me to say it again, but also, it was the ultimate judgment or the fall of the Egyptians with the Pharaoh and all of his men. It was their ultimate judgment.

So what we need to do is we need to not be moved by who looks like they're up in power. We can't look by their walls looking so impenetrable and how they have the DOJ and how they have all the three-letter agencies and how they have the globalists. How they have all these things going on, they have all these people in place around all the world to do exactly their bidding, to be their yes men and do exactly what they want when they wanted to do it. God is saying it doesn't matter what is going on, who is in place, what they're doing, how much power they think they have, how much money they have, how much control or influence they have around the world. God is saying these people are coming down. It's not if... they ARE, and I know a lot of people are frustrated because of all the exposures that are happening, and it looks like justice is not being served. Just when you think that justice is not being served, again the children of Israel are like, okay, they're like, all right, justice is being served. Yay, they were so excited about it because of the plagues. And then they were released out of the Egyptian's hand. They thought it was over. So they were celebrating. They left Egypt with all the spoils. They left Egypt free in their minds, in their bodies. They left. They just left free.

Well then they get to the Red Sea. All of a sudden, it looks like justice wasn't served. It looks like their enemy was again in control, how they were trapped by the Red Sea and the mountains. And then all of a sudden, in front of them, was the enemy, and there was nothing that they could do about it. They were just stuck. It looks like sometimes we are stuck, that there's no way out. But when we don't think there's a way out, we have to remind ourselves that God is the way out. God is the way out. He is the way of escape. And just when it looks like justice isn't being served, I'm sure they thought that when they were caught by the Red Sea, there was like, what happened to our justice? What happened to our freedom? What happened? Why did God get us out of Egypt just for us to sit by the Red Sea and be stuck here to die or to go back into slavery.

Just like them, we cannot be moved by our surroundings. We can't be moved by what the enemy is doing. All we need to be moved by is what God is saying and what He is doing. Focus on God. I want to read a couple different scriptures too before I go back over the prophetic word, and this one is Psalm 115:16. "The heavens are the Lord's, but the Earth He has given to the Children of Men." He's given this Earth over to His body.

Okay, now I also want to read another scripture. I quote it all the time, I tell you guys to read it all the time, but I'm actually going to read it today. Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. Now listen, this is the classic Amplified version. "God said, 'Let us Father, Son, and Holy Spirit make Mankind in our image, after our likeness; let them have complete Authority over the fish, the sea, the birds of the air, the tame beasts, and over all the Earth, and over everything that creeps upon the Earth.' So stop right there, complete authority over all the Earth. Say it with me, complete authority over all the Earth. That is one thing that the body of Christ has been lacking for so long: the knowledge of complete authority over all of the Earth that God had always intended since the beginning of when He made man in the Garden of Eden. He always intended for them to have complete authority over all of the Earth. "Believer's Authority" is an amazing book by Kenneth Hagin. I think Charles Capps also did an amazing teaching on that. Get those teachings; you can probably look them up on YouTube. You could probably find some old versions of those teachings, but I know they also have books. It is powerful, the authority of the believer, very powerful revelation that God has given to us.

Also, verse 28: "And God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful, multiply, fill the Earth and subdue it, using all of its vast resources in the service of God and man.'" Again, look what He's saying: have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon this Earth. And I know people are like, "Well, God gave that complete authority, power, and dominion to Adam." Well then Adam and Eve lost it because of what they did with the serpent. Now, yes, they did lose it, but right after that again, God said the seed of a woman is going to bruise your head, which we know the seed of a woman was Jesus. Jesus was the one who brought back the complete authority, power, and dominion back to the children of God because Jesus is the head, and we are the body. We're supposed to be working in unison; we're supposed to be working together with our Lord and Savior.

Another scripture that I know the Lord gives me a lot to give to you is Luke 10:19. Again, the classic Amplified version: "Behold, I've given you Authority." He's saying it again, power to trample upon serpents, scorpions, and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you. So again, He's talking about complete authority, power, and dominion over all the power of the enemy, not some of the power of the enemy, over all the power of the enemy. So when we see these people and what they're doing, of course, they're being used by our adversary, the devil. We know that because we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world. So we are not dealing with just a natural battle here; we are dealing with a spiritual battle. So we have to deal with a spiritual battle and fight it with spiritual means, which is again the Word of Almighty God. That's how we defeat our enemy. God is saying to us in the Old Testament and the New Testament, he's saying that you have I've given you Authority and Power, and it says over all the power of the enemy. That's a massive revelation that a lot of people should not just take lightly. Don't take lightly these words; they're not just words. They're revelation knowledge from God for us to hold fast and learn who we are in Christ. We cannot do these things by ourselves; we have the power of the name of Jesus.

All right, now also, I'm going to stay in Luke and go to Luke chapter 18, Luke chapter 18, and verse 7. "And will not our just God defend, protect, and avenge His elect, His chosen ones who cry to Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf?" So these are they're asking a question. I tell you, He will defend, protect, and avenge them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find persistence in faith on Earth? God's saying He's promising, He will defend, He will protect, He will avenge, He will deliver us, He will bring vindication. He also says vengeance is mine.

Now, again, he says, however, he's saying these promises. He's proven to us time and time again in his word what he does when his children are in trouble, what he does when it looks like it's impossible, and there's no way out and there's no way of escape, and it looks like the enemy is winning. He says, however, when the Son of Man comes, will he find persistence and faith on Earth? So there's gonna be a time where people are going to be questioning their faith. So that's why we're supposed to hold fast, stand firm, be constant, look to God, don't be moved, and by everything that we're seeing and everything that's going on around the world. We need to be stand firm on our faith and trust in him that he is faithful to perform his word and he will do what he says he will do, which is deliver, which is defend, which is protect, which is to heal, to restore everything that he's promised us in his word. He will do. What is it going to look like? I have no idea. It's God.

The children of Israel when they were stuck at the Red Sea, like I said earlier, they didn't know. They could have never dreamed up in a million years that God was going to do that. We're never going to dream up in a million years exactly what God's going to do for us. We just have to hold fast and stand firm in the trust in God, that God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of the Great I Am of the book of Exodus, that God is still that same God who keeps his promises, who will stand firm, who will remove our enemy when he needs to remove them. He'll move him by his hand. He even talks about in that prophetic word like a flick of a finger, it doesn't even take like me flicking my fingers, not really any... it doesn't take any power for me to do that, it's easy. God is saying it's easy for him to remove them. Again, everything is in the timing of God, and sometimes we may not understand.

But also, remind yourself, I want to read this scripture, then I'll go back over the prophetic word here in Colossians 1:12, giving thanks to the father who is qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is inheritance of the Saints, God's holy people in the light. Verse 13: the father has delivered, he's already delivered, drawn us to himself out of the control and the Dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of his son of his love. God has already drawn us out of the power of Darkness with Jesus Christ and what he has done for us.

Colossians 2:15, he's disarmed our enemy. Hebrews 2:14, he has brought him to nothing. And so if we write these scriptures down, again, I wish I had somebody who can just put these scriptures out for me and I would know how to do this, but I don't. But the reason for this is because it's great revelation and it gives you encouragement. So, even when times are hard and they're tough and you want to give up and quit, God has given you this Revelation knowledge. He's giving you his word, his written word, his will, in order for you to stand and to be able to have that firm ground and strength, because Joy of the Lord is our strength, to be able to not be moved during all of these times where it looks like it's hard to deal with and it's hard to bear. God will be able to give us that. He gives us that strength to be able to hold us up in the midst of these things where we feel like we want to fall down.

All right, now I'm gonna go over this prophetic word once again. Now, listen, what he says, this is a time of great battle. So that would be really frustrating to some people when they see when they hear that and say, "Oh my gosh, it's a great battle," because he's already talked about this has been a war that's been going on. We have been in a war of disinformation, we have been in a war of all these things, of our enemies and what they're trying to do to completely enslave this world. We have been in a war for our freedoms, for our health, for our sound mind, for our finances, for our children, for of for truth in who God really is, even in the churches, we've been in a war. We had no idea this was going on, but we have been. He says it's a time of great conflict. So, a time of great battle and a time of great conflict. He said this is a time where you will see evil, how it's been trying to reign, which we have seen that. We will see them try to pull out more things, we'll see them try to do more things to keep their power and control. You've been seeing the control that they have had upon this Earth. They have tried to control this Earth as much as they possibly could. They've thrown out everything and they're about to throw out the rest of what they have.

But he says it's not that time. It's not what time? It's not time for the global government, it's not time for the Book of...

The Book of Revelation and the tribulation - it's not time... they're trying to fast forward it and make it time because it's it's not. The walls are falling, mighty walls are falling. Big names are falling, big banks are falling, big corporations are falling. Hollywood is falling, the three-letter agencies are falling, against me are falling. Global governing and governance, those people are falling. These world leaders are falling. I've been speaking to you about a great Mighty Fall you see in my word about the walls of Jericho and how quickly the wall fell. Remember that wall again, impenetrable. That wall looked like it was never coming down. It was like six chariots wide, that's how thick this thing was, how wide this thing was. They could just sit there and they could do races around the top wall. It was huge, it was tall and thick. So, it looked like it was impenetrable, and if that's what they thought they probably built it, nothing was ever going to take this wall down. Well, they didn't count on God, and neither do our enemies right now.

The wall that was built up, it looked like it was impenetrable. It looked like nothing was going to ever bring it down. Again, it looked like it was like the wall, the wall, the rock, or a wall that was just not going to move. He says evil people think that they're so smart and put up these things so indestructible, but they don't see I can flick it away with no power at all. He says just flick it with the finger, it would be gone. My children, change the course of this world and change everything that you're seeing and change what's happening in your Nations, what's happening in the body of Christ. It doesn't take my full strength to change it. Think about that for a minute. It doesn't take God's full strength to change this. Things will change very quickly. Things will, I told you about the economy falling, he's warned us about the economy. Since I've warned you, they're going to try more things. Remember this day, remember what I say, it's all coming down. It's all coming down like the walls of Jericho, it's coming down just like the Red Sea when it was held up for a certain time so my people could walk through.

I'm gonna read that again, it's all coming down like the walls of Jericho, it's coming down just like the Red Sea when it was held up for a certain time, remember the walls, the Red Sea was held up for a certain time, so my people could walk through to the other side. It's all in the perfect timing of God, even we may not understand it. We don't have to, we just have to trust him, that's what faith comes in. You may not understand this right now, but you will. Things have happened, great things have been happening when you were unaware. Great things have been happening when we've been unaware and you don't see it, but it's me, it's me behind the scenes, it's me doing these things. I'm allowing certain things to go on, so the day that's Drawing Near again, he said as I'm allowing things to go on, the day is Drawing Near, very near of the Great and Mighty Fall of the globalists and their Banks and their businesses and their news and their governments that they have put in place everywhere, that should just make anybody shout right there.

They've infiltrated many things and I will show you it all. God is going to pull the curtain back and show us everything, watch my hand at work. Remember how powerful my nostrils were by The Parting of the Red Sea, just think of how much more power my hand will do a more destruction that will do against your enemy. Things are falling, yes, falling, coming down, this is the shaking. You are entering into the days of the shakings, the days of the judgments, the days that's changing the course of this world from upside down to right side up. Hold on, hold fast, draw near to me, draw closely, you will see me, you will see me, who I really am, he said it twice. You won't be moved by anything around you, don't be moved, said that twice - that's another marching order for you... DON'T BE MOVED! says again, I will help you, I will ground you, give you this ability to stand, even though the Earth is shaking underneath your feet physically and spiritually. Things are coming down, systems are coming down, laws are coming down, presidents are coming down, this is a time that many people have been waiting for. Don't give up now, don't give up now because with this great fall, all these things coming down, the beauty that will rise out of the ashes. So it looks like it's completely destroyed and then the beauty that's coming out of the ashes, he said, and the strength of my church and my body doing what it's called to do since before I made this world. My children will take their place where they've always meant to be in great Authority.

So again, what you need to do is to receive this Revelation and get to what it is about the authority of the believer or the believer's authority on what God has said in His word about complete Power Authority and Dominion. I don't have time today but look up those words and the definitions of those words for Power Authority and Dominion, you'll get excited. I have too and I've done word studies when God has given Revelation knowledge when he gives prophetic words when he just I'm seeing like a certain word in the scriptures. I'll go out and all this like go look for all the definitions and different types of definitions of these certain words and then place it and put this all together and it's like God's showing us, hey, get that revelation of what this truly means. Don't just read over scripturally fast and get really excited about a scripture but get in-depth study with God to see what he is saying about these scriptures. There's more again, his word is inexhaustible, there's more Revelation than what we know about these scriptures, it's inexhaustible, his word is life, his word is living, and so we can get so many different things from the word of God. And that's why it's so important to be in the word of God, to study the word of God, to stand on the word of God, it's spirit, it's life, it's power, it's Authority, it's God's will, you will get to know him more. You renew your mind when you renew your mind you will not be conformed to this world. I mean there's so many things, it's health and healing to your flesh. God's word is his will, and it's awesome, and so that's why he's saying draw near to him. There's going to be times where we're not going to be able to listen to these things like this, listen to teachings like this, and that's why we have to get our prayer closets, know how to pray, it's an important time right now to know how to pray, to get in the word of God, to get in the presence of the Lord. It's an important time right now because when everything is looks like it's shut down because he talks about blackouts he talks about things are shutting down, and he says but when you are perfected in that when you have been doing this for this long, then you won't be moved by all this stuff.

Okay, Lord, this is just another day I get to spend time with you without distractions and just be excited about it. It's another way of looking at it, and I know your mind and I know your feelings, everything is saying Julie, it's never going to happen, it's never going to happen, it's never going to change. The children of Israel thought the exact same way, and then God showed up. So just keep your focus on God, and I want to read another scripture just to encourage you. It's Psalm 97, "The Lord Reigns, let the Earth be glad, let the Distant Shores Rejoice! Clouds, thick darkness surround Him, Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of his throne. Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of His throne. Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. It's Psalm 97.

So again, another scripture to you is Isaiah 9 verse 6, "For to us, a child is born, to us, a son is given, the government will be on his shoulders." Again, the government is on his shoulders. God is in control. These people that think they're in control are not really in control of the globe, they're not in control of these governments. God is the one, again he reigns over all of the earth, and he is undefeated.

So I want to pray over each and every one of you today. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I just pray over each and every person, the sound of my voice. I want to praise and thank you, Father God, for each and every one of them. I thank you, Father God, for your blessedness upon them that empowers them to prosper, to succeed, and to excel, and to rise above all which would try to keep them back and hold them down. I want to praise and thank you, Father God, that your favor goes before them and opens up doors that no man can shut. It changes rules, regulations, policies, governing policies, if they have to change, it will change on their behalf. We thank you, Father God, for your glory to reign upon each and every one of your children. We thank you, Father God, for this fresh manna from heaven. We thank you, Father God, for your revelation knowledge, your wisdom, your knowledge, your understanding, to not only help us survive on a daily basis, but you help us thrive. And we praise and thank you that you are rising us up above. Nothing can keep us back.

I thank you, Father God, that our enemy is underneath our feet. We praise you, Father God, for strength, for your joy, for impartation of joy unto them, and peace, because what's peace which passes all understanding. And we thank you, Father God, that you help them stand firm, stand strong, and immovable in this time of great shaking. And we thank you, Father God, that we can rejoice because this is the day that you have made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. And we thank you that you are undefeated, and we thank you that you live on the inside of us. We thank you for all this in the name of Jesus. Amen and amen.

Well again, I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day!

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