Exposing the Music Industry | Gavin Bain (Brains)

1 year ago

RAISING THE BAR | Gavin Bain (Brains) | Exposing the Music Industry

Get ready for an electrifying interview as I sit down with my pal Gavin Bain, one half of rapping outfit Silibil & Brains. After facing constant knock-backs due to their thick Scottish accents when performing, Gavin and his friend Billy (Silibil) donned California accents, said they were friends with Eminem and were subsequently snapped up by Sony, handed record deals, and stood on the verge of global stardom.

0:00 - 8:10 Catching up with Gav
8:11 - 14:50 Gav moving to Scotland and ending up in a coma
14:51 - 23:20 Going to uni and meeting Bill (Silibil) and starting rap group
23:25 - 30:40 Are you the next Eminem?
30:50 - 37:00 Gav's plan to create American characters
37:05 - 42:15 Winning Radio 1 competition and Meeting Dougie Bruce (Sony)
42:16 - 50:45 Audition at Madame JoJo's (Seeing girl being abused)
50:45 - 1:04:00 Meeting with Management Companies
1:04:10 - 1:10:18 Given Contract and £75k by Shalit Global
1:10:35 - 1:22:45 Getting signed by Sony Records
1:22:45 - 1:37:00 Touring and MTV
1:37:05 - 1:50:45 Touring with Eminem and D12 (and encounter the lawyer)
1:50:50 - 2:01:10 Release the First Record (or not?)
2:01:15 - 2:04:30 Sony and BMG merger.
2:04:35 - 2:10:50 Fight and break up with Bil, and spiralling out of control
2:10:51 - 2:31:00 The Scottish Reveal
2:31:01 - 2:33:06 Exposing Paedophilia in the Music Industry

BONUS for Patreons: Exclusive extended interview with Gav, where he courageously addresses the dark underbelly of the music industry. In this bonus segment, Gavin sheds light on disturbing instances involving music executives and the sexual abuse of underage girls at after-parties, including at Simon Cowell's "buffet".

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Video Source Credit: YouTube, The Great Hip Hop Hoax
Content used under the fair dealing exception for criticism and review, thus copyright is not infringed per s30 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

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