Joshua Ryan Butler "Sex as Icon of Salvation" Controversy: My Full Commentary

1 year ago

Back in March, Josh Butler published on The Gospel Coalition's website an excerpt from the first chapter of his forthcoming book, "Beautiful Union: How God's Vision for Sex Points Us to the Good, Unlocks the True, and (Sort of) Explains Everything." The article was a presentation to a Reformed Evangelical Protestant audience of Theology of the Body, showing how marriage and sex reveal mysteries about Christ and the Church. Well, the article sparked such a furor that it led to TGC pulling the article, issuing an apology, removing Butler as a fellow with their new Tim Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, and Butler having to step down as lead pastor of his church. Brace yourself as I dive into what this controversy shows about the civil war within Evangelicalism, explaining (and rebutting) the extreme reactions his article got.

#JoshButler #JoshuaRyanButler #BeautifulUnion #TGC #TheologyoftheBody #Evangelicalism #Complementarianism #Egalitarianism #Iconoclasm #Symbolism

References and Links:
Joshua Ryan Butler. (2023). Beautiful Union: How God's Vision for Sex Points Us to the Good, Unlocks the True, and (Sort of) Explains Everything. Multnomah.
The archived article:
Roys Report article on TGC's apology:
Roys Report article on Butler's Resignation:
Beth Felker-Jones' critique of the article and Theology of the Body:
Truth over Tribe's interview with Butler about the controversy:
Christopher West and Bill Donaghy's commentary on the controversy:
Jon Harris' commentary on the article:
Allie Beth Stuckey's commentary on the controversy:
John Paul II. Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body (Trans. Michael Waldstein). Pauline.
Nancy Pearcey. (2018). Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality. Baker Books.
Julie Roys. (2017). Redeeming the Feminine Soul: God's Surprising Vision for Womanhood. Nelson Books.
Aimee Byrd. (2020). Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: How the Church Needs to Rediscover Her Purpose. Zondervan.
Patrick Doyle interview with Sheila Wray Gregoire on The Great Sex Rescue:
Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, & Joanna Sawatsky. (2021). The Great Sex Rescue: The Lies You've Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended. Baker Books.

For more:
My sermon on God's Vision for Sex and Marriage:
A Primer on Theology of the Body (TOB) and Christopher West:
Feminism and the Gender War through a Theology of the Body Lens:
God's Marital Passion:
Holy Language Institute video on Jewish marriage customs of preparing the bride (validating Theology of the Body):
TOB Supports Transformational Ex-Gay Ministry:

00:00:13 Overview of controversy
00:05:53 The Protestant Evangelical Civil War
00:07:48 Traditional Complementarianism
00:09:31 Egalitarian, anti-patriarchal, woke side
00:11:21 Grievances from "purity culture"
00:15:59 Excesses and abuses in complementarianism
00:17:53 Theology of the Body (TOB) as the corrective
00:19:54 Christopher West and Bill Donaghy's response
00:21:24 The Christian modernist frame problem, iconoclasm, anti-symbolism
00:24:47 The problem of Irresistible Grace
00:28:52 Integrated worldview vs. Gnostic dualism
00:32:14 Reading the article
00:42:25 Julie Roys Report on resignation and her TOB background
00:49:00 Facebook comments
01:01:05 Criticisms in the Roys Report article on TGC apology
01:07:09 Sheila Gregoire
01:14:37 Aimee Byrd
01:16:46 Beth Felker-Jones claims it's male-centered
01:17:58 BFJ vs TOB and Christopher West
01:19:25 BFJ claims men will abuse the analogy
01:26:22 Explaining the analogy
01:32:41 Penetration and Hebrew for male and female
01:35:46 BFJ accuses TOB of pagan idolatry
01:39:32 BFJ's modernist dualism
01:45:11 BFJ vs Natural Theology
01:53:27 BFJ claims it's not Gospel
01:56:09 BFJ vs spousal analogy
01:59:14 TOB upends male domination
02:00:02 Conclusion

God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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