Placebo, Nocebo, Developing Dominant Image, Mind Control, Faith Magic, Gratitude

1 year ago

Something I struggle with being that I have had Aphantasia for decades (can't visualize).. but it's something maybe other people will find useful, and also something to see if I can figure out how to do regardless... albeit I might have a block due to not wanting to live a lie and not wanting to be mind-controlled, including mind-controlling myself lol and think maybe having Aphantasia helped me not fall for the covid scam.. and maybe is somewhat helpful with the 24/7 propaganda machine everywhere we look in our lives, but still another aspect of how this world may work... (I did cure myself of Emphysema years ago, and the shift happened from the moment that I believed it "could" be cured).... this video reminds me more of how I "used" to think, a few years ago.... so I thought I'd share it, even though I have no idea how to do it for myself.

His view on religious faith miracles reminds me of the movie "Leap of Faith", but also on a friends baby. He was accused by his mother in law of "not praying enough" or that his "faith mustn't be strong enough" as the reason why their baby is paralyzed. (I would blame vaccines myself...).. he kind of comes across anti-religion but I don't think he is being that the same group have a long (12hr) Jesus video on their website that I'm watching out of curiosity.

I know not everyone will appreciate this video but I've pretty much found that nothing I post fits with everyone's beliefs, and that's ok. We're all learning different things and viewing this world through different perspectives.

20 August 2023 Clip from source: (Timestamp: 18:39-44:48)
(The first 17 minutes not included was about a medicine he developed that rejuvenates organs)
Found original just now at:

Speaker: Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
"HOW DOES PLACEBO WORK? What is the difference between nocebo and placebo? What is information and a dominant image, and how much does it affect a person's life? Why do images rule the world? How is an image instilled into a person to manipulate him? How can a person completely change his own life with one word or one image? Why is any magic a lie? How do negative images affect our health? Why is it difficult for a person to recover if he thinks about his illness all the time, and his thoughts are preoccupied only with the illness? What are the capabilities of a human? Is it possible to prolong human life beyond the species limit? How can the regeneration of body tissues be accelerated? What opportunities open up to people in the Creative Society? These and many other questions are discussed in the video "HOW PLACEBO WORKS" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov on"

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