The End of All Things is at Hand - Session 3

1 year ago

This is the third of four messages Pastor Doug Riggs gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow, in December 2010 – January 2011.
Here are my notes:
o Doug warns us, “As we approach the end, folks, there’s going to be a huge crisis between that which is true humanity – that is, who we are as originally created in the image of God, and that which is moving under Satanic influence towards the homo noeticus, the Adam Kadmon, the new man of the new age, and that which will dominate the new age and the golden age of the Luciferian agenda.”
o “When we’re born again, we have eternal life. But that life is to develop – it comes through knowing Jesus Christ… and experiential knowing.”
o Who will make up the remnant that will be raptured? According to Kittle’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, it will be “a remnant of a people which survives a disaster.”
o This is not a sermonette for Christianettes. Doug takes another deep dive into the original languages of the bible to clearly define what is meant by the term ‘a surviving remnant’ that will be alive at the end of the church age prior to its rapture. He also informs us how many of the Old Testament prophecies were not only fulfilled centuries ago, but they have a near-view and a far-view. I wonder if there are any churches out there with pastors who teach at this level….
o “God has to take very patient and specific ways with us to reduce our natural strength, to circumcise our hearts of that old natural man, and to break us of anything that represents natural strength (I’m not talking about sin, now, I’m talking about natural strength).”
o “’Be strong in the Lord’ (Ephesians 6:10). It’s a command for the saints: ‘habitually receive power from within’ through your union with the Lord.” We are not exhorted to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and be strong, as if it’s something we in or of ourselves could do. We are to receive the power of God He gives us that is within us to be strong in the Lord. The power and strength we need to live the Christian life is in Him and it is He who enables us from within, as we draw on Him and His strength to do what He asks us to do. As Maj. Ian Thomas says, “Christ does not give us victory; He IS our victory.” Doug adds, “He doesn’t give us life; He IS our life. Christ does not give us strength; He IS our strength… He doesn’t give us wisdom; He IS our wisdom.”
o As this series is all about the end of all things being at hand (NOW!)… Doug draws much attention to what a remnant is, and how this applies to the last days of the church age – and how that compares to the last days of the age of Israel, it’s remaining 7 years to soon occur once the church is removed.
o In this series, Doug addresses the question: ‘How do we survive judgment as a remnant?’
o As Doug references the remnant in the Old Testament, he equates them to “many Christians today who have been rejected by the established church.” (I, for one, have a couple of those t-shirts.) Doug adds, “We’ve been asked to leave two churches since we’ve been here in Syracuse just because of the work we do, working with generational SRA/DID. There’s no place for that in the churches. They don’t want to hear about it; they don’t want to know about it. In fact, a lot of them don’t even believe it.”
o “The humble will make up the remnant; the arrogant will be removed.”
o “’Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.’ This is a specific eschatological promise to the Jewish people as they approach the end. Christians will not inherit the earth; they will not! Our inheritance is in Christ; our inheritance is a heavenly inheritance.”
o “’There’s a salvation ready to be revealed’ in the last days. It’s not just initial salvation, but there’s an eschatological salvation that is to be revealed (1 Peter 1:5 cp 1 Peter 2:12). It’s called ‘the day of visitation.’”
o “Where we are in history as the church, we are asleep to the fact that this is what God is going to do in the church prior to His coming to take the church out. There’s going to be a sifting; there’s going to be an elimination process. We’re oblivious to it!”
Resources mentioned and/or recommended:
Doug Riggs: The Day of Visitation -
The Blessed Hope -
The Final Revelation of Jesus Christ -
Maj. W. Ian Thomas (audio sermons):
Alva J. McClain: The Greatness of the Kingdom -

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