Stan Deyo - Man-Made UFOs & The Cover-Up Revealed (2000) (FULL)

1 year ago

The Disclosure Project - Stan Deyo - Man-Made UFOs & The Cover-Up Revealed (2000)
Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI. He was part of an exclusive "black project", headed by Dr. Edward Teller specializing in the development of "flying saucer technology".
Late last year I posted parts 1 - 7 of my UFO Disclosure interview for Dr Greer's Disclosure Project to my Patrons. In 2000, I flew to Colorado to give my testimony at a private home where I was video-taped by a representative of Dr Greer's Project. Dr Greer never used my interview (for some reason) - BUT because of current events with the Navy's release of the UFO encounters by their pilots I feel it is imperative I release all 7 parts to the general public to alert them to the coming UFO Disclosure by the Government.
There is an invisible 'college' of humans (formed immediately after WWII) which has successfully established the groundwork for a new world order that will be a dictatorship. They are using an alien/UFO scenario to prepare people to call for alien help to rid themselves of all the corrupt human leaders and their political systems.
What I am telling you here and in the videos will be hard to believe by most people on first viewing. I know this but at least I will have warned as many as I could of the threat and how to mitigate it...
This alien/UFO scenario now includes real aliens and their technology. The problem is that these "aliens" are from a parallel universe and are part of a war that occurred there. They are losing that war and are being pushed through a portal to our universe where the final great battle between them and GOD will take place.
These aliens will deceive many with a narrative that seems to fulfill Biblical prophecies for this time in our history. They will create a fake messiah and will even make a fake 'rapture' to fool many Christians into following the dictator they put into power over the whole Earth.
This world is not being run by the systems you have known all your lives. Look behind the curtain to unveil "Oz"...
You might want to download all these videos I am posting in case they, too, are removed.... just saying....
-Stan Deyo
Other rare (German) UFO documentaries:
(These are a must see btw)
UFO: Sercrets of WW2 - German Flying Saucers - 1991 (Obscure documentary)
UFO Secrets Of The Third Reich (1994) - English (Obscure documentary)
Source: "Stan Deyo"
NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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