2808. Modern Judaism ✡ 3 Denominations Explained | 4 minutes

1 year ago

🔵🔵🔵 3 Denominations:

🔵Conservative Judaism (known as Masorti Judaism outside North America) is a Jewish religious movement that regards the authority of Jewish law and tradition as emanating primarily from the assent of the people through the generations, more than from divine revelation.
Conservative Judaism insists on observance of tradition and respect for visionary change.” While the Rabbinical Assembly, and it’s Committee on Jewish Laws and Standards, sets policy for the denomination as a whole, rabbis and their congregations make their own choices regarding LGBTQ+ ordination, same-sex marriages, and their commitment to the creation of welcoming and affirming communities.

🔵Reform: (The Left resides here) The polling and sociological data are consistent and clear that, in addition to crises of Jewish identity and literacy, the religiously liberal movements of Judaism are experiencing a startling diminution of support for and connection to Israel – a phenomenon that is especially prevalent among the young.

🔵Orthodox Jews are more likely than other Jews to believe in God with absolute certainty and participate in various Jewish religious practices. For example, 89% of Orthodox Jews (including 96% of the Haredi) say they are certain in their belief in God, compared with 41% of Conservative Jews and 29% of Reform Jews. Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar told Israel Hayom newspaper homosexuality was a "cult of abomination", which the Torah "punishes... with death". In an interview with Israel Hayom, Rabbi Amar said it was "clear that it [homosexuality] is abomination. The Torah punishes it with death. This is in the first line of serious sins."

🟠Full episode: https://youtu.be/AsBgluFGz7Y?si=vz8tEKq5QS4EQgUg

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