AM Canning Peaches

1 year ago

If this video is a bit disjointed 🙈 I am sorry. Doing this very early Sunday morning 😁
I will try and clear stuff up here.

Just bought 2 cases of Beautiful peaches from Utah. A Livery here (in AZ) drives them down same day they are picked 😊
I like to can them before they get too ripe. Want them to hold together.

Here is the recipe
Blanch Peaches in hot water for 2-3 minutes.
Place into a ice bath. Can X the bottom of Peaches first, to help "lift off" skin.
I prefer to wash Peaches in warm water with dish soap. Rinse in cool water, and peel using a regular ol peeler. I do this into a large ziplock bag, to store in freezer for Peach peel jelly😋
Slice Peaches.
Canning by myself (having a helper is⭐), I put sliced Peaches into water with lemon to keep them fresh. While syrup and canner are heating up.
Make a light syrup for 9 pints, 3/4 cups of sugar Or 1/2 cup honey to 6 & 1/2 cups of water
For 7 quarts, 1 & 1/4 cup sugar to 10 &1/2 cups water.

If "dry" canning, boil syrup. Place Peaches in hot jars and cover with syrup leaving head space. May use a chop stick or de-bubbler to swish around Peaches in jar, to get air out. Wipe rim with vinegar and place lid and rim on. Process 20 min for pints under 1,000 feet elevation. Add 15 minutes high elevation (6, 000 - 8, 000 feet). You will have to check for other elevations.
25 minutes for quarts low el plus 15 minutes for high elevation 6-8 thousand feet.
Hot packed - just add Peaches to hot syrup and bring to a boil before placing into jars.

It is all Very easy. It's the standing in one spot, that's hard. At least when you get older🤭
Oh yes....
When you get ready to take the jars out, place a towel down someplace the jars won't be disturbed for 12 to 24 hours. Here, that's the front porch. The jars need to sit that long to seal completely. After that time, pick them up, take off the rim and wipe them down. The jars that haven't sealed, put in frig and eat right away. The one that are good to go, place somewhere out of direct sunlight. Enjoy

Have a great day/week 🤗👍👍

Stay blessed.

What I missed, please feel free to put in comments. Thanks 🤗

There are great canning books out there. Please double check everything.
This is the way I have been doing it for years. That doesn't make it the "right" way.
I am just passing on a recipe We like.
Do your own research and have a great day

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