🚨 Hawaii 🚨 The United States Government Is Still BLOCKING Supplies

1 year ago

The United States Government Is Still BLOCKING Supplies Including Insulin To Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Victims

In this footage you see residents having to bring in supplies by jet skis and boats… It SHOULD NOT be like this 🚨

“So to all Americans out there, how many people feel like this is wrong? The people have the roads blocked. They have to deliver supplies by boat, by jet ski, because the government is blocking them from getting their essential supplies. Some of it's insulin. One of the famous surfers from Maui had to come out like, bro, we need insulin. They were blocking it. Look at this. Why is the government blocking their supplies?”

“The government withholding every single one of our donations because we are not a part of FEMA and Red Cross. So none of this is eligible for giving out.”

Watch this video and if you’re not outraged by the end of it you’re not human

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons

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