LIVESTREAM 12:30pm EST - The Globalists In Plain Sight - Sen Malcolm Roberts, Australia

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CDM's Global Conversations "IN PLAIN SIGHT" Host Christine Dolan interviews Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts of Brisbane, who is one of the Australian politicians who has led the fight against all of PHARMA, BIG TECH, and Australian government's draconian COVID policies since 2020.

Citizens, wherever they live, need to know there are other leaders on different continents leading the fight to investigate, uncover and publicize the truth about COVID-19 "shot" injured, lockdowns, PHARMA corruption and compare notes.

Some countries are ahead of the game.

Senator Roberts reports what is currently happening in Australia to hopefully turn the tide on these insidious self-serving policies crippling people all over the world economically and medically as the globalists are on the verge of instigating lockdowns once again.

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