Črnuče trails- R-line Fast flow trail 1. time 27.8.2023 MTB Slovenija

1 year ago

Živjo, danes sem prvič obiskal Črnuče trails. Spustil sem se 2x po R-line in 2x po Limina.
R-line je super hiter flow trail katerega se moram še navaditi. Že na prvem spustu sem naredil napako in skoraj padel. Pri drugem spustu sem naredil popolnoma enako napako na istem mestu. Bo potrebno še veliko spustov da bom odpeljal kot hočem. Sem pa po dveh spustih navdušen in komaj čakam naslednjič.

Če vam je posnetek všeč potem všečkajte, komentirajte in naročite se na moj kanal.

Hvala in LP

Hi, today I visited Črnuče trails for the first time. I ride 2x on R-line and 2x down Limina.
R-line is a super fast flow trail that I still have to get used to. Already on the first descent, I made a mistake and almost fell. On the second descent, I made exactly the same mistake in the same place. It will take many more descents to ride as I want. But after two descents, I'm excited and can't wait next time.

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Bike: Giant TranceX 3 2021
Action camera: GoPro Hero 11 Black
Video editor: Wondershare Filmora

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