Retired therapist/writer/climate reality leader Connie Zweig (aka The Shadow Expert) is my guest!

1 year ago

Retired therapist/writer/climate reality leader Connie Zweig (aka The Shadow Expert) talks about her latest release “Meeting the Shadow on The Spiritual Path: The Dance of Darkness & Light in our Search For Awakening” explaining no matter the spiritual path we choose, we will encounter our own shadow and a guide to rekindling spiritual inspiration after betrayal and disillusionment! Connie is a former executive editor at Jeremy P. Tarcher Publishing and practices/teaches meditation for 50+ years and multi-award-winning author of several books explains what is
the shadow, why are we drawn to charismatic leaders, how to recover from spiritual abuse or betrayal by a leader or group and extends to MeToo movement into the spiritual leaders! Check out this amazing book by Connie Zweig on all major platforms and ⁠⁠ today! #conniezweig #theshadowexpert #meetingtheshadowonthespiritualpath #metoo
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