I Peter Lesson-09: Living for God’s Will - Part III

1 year ago

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Today's Lesson

Today we are in Lesson-09 in the series “Living Hope” from the book of I Peter.

This study is part I of our series: “Strangers and Pilgrims” which covers I and II Peter.
The lesson is titled “Living for God’s Will – Part III” and our focus passage is I Peter 4:12-19.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we continued our study of I Peter 4.

In this chapter, the Apostle Peter is encouraging his audience to live for God’s will instead of their own will.
Believers need to act differently because they are different as a result of their redemption by Jesus Christ.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a different attitude in life, a different purpose in mind, and a different way to spend our time while we still have that time.
The first order of business is to renounce sinful behavior and that was the subject of our first division. That was the focus of Part I of our study.
Last time we focused on how we should prioritize our lives to be good stewards of the grace of God.
Ultimately, the purpose for the use of our spiritual gifts is for God to be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belongs all glory and dominion forever and ever Amen (cf. Dan. 7:13-14; Phil 2:5-11).

Today, we will focus on our third and final division Rest in a Faithful Creator (v12-19).

Peter encourages all of us to purposely live for the will of God by trusting Him in our suffering.

Let’s get started.

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