One Picture to Access a Past Life

1 year ago

A picture created by myself as a child, is brought into my awareness and I use it to access the past life I’ve long suspected with my father.

4.04 At first I just see that I collaged Macchu Pichu as a four year old, without knowing it…
4.50 Let’s see how simple it is to look at past lives. I might as well use this particular little gift horse to demonstrate how we can extract information.
5.50 I explain in September I will be releasing slightly fewer videos as I will be back to teaching.
6.— I explain the construct of IMAGINATION and how we can use this to access all the information we need. -And how I love to build my “Soul ROOM”, to facilitate this and what I have put into it.
8.18 I begin with commands to make sure I feel clear
9.58 I am in my SOUL ROOM with ALL of me and I ask all of my selves for information.
10.31 Tje lion speaks! “Felinoid? Felinoid, yes feline -oid, we are these, ‘funny’ big, creatures of ferocity and you love to celebrate us, don’t you - cage us too, of course! But we have some funny lineage in your family not h other side- the story of your Grandfather and the Lion- that’s a good story you must tell sometime. SO, the friendliness of the Lion- the smile in the picture is so meek- yet we are ferocious ( my mouth and voice are morphing…). We stand with the ability to roarrrr! TO defend, this is the most, big maxim for us, the ability to defend, to ROAR out our message. Of course, that is what your father needed to have given to him- and you gave it to him. You wish to look at the ‘heritage lineage’? And see if there is some association? And this picture behind me, of the mountains you say you want to investigate - there are no lions living there now, are there? I am sure you will find it in your encyclopaedias, there are no lions living there right now.
Why did you put me there….hmmmmm?
I recommend you to walk up the steps. To that city! It was and is an ancient city, still….find it….it may be night there….although it us earlier over there than you are - you are in the nighting.
Yes, well you may climb the steps and enter the town through an archway, and you will meet a person, you may talk to that person.”
14.00 It looks like good idea….I count down from ten to be there:
It looks pretty empty, i call out, there is a goat, I walk along the path- half of me sees the past and half sees the present.
15.00 One of my selves guides me through. A lady with a hard hairbrush.
She is offering to stimulate my scalp. ( Possibly because of my jokes on seeing my luscious hair whilst in inner earth…? It is effective as a hair thickener…as the follicles get somewhat stretched….)
I do a little indian head massage to demonstrate, as I think its to stimulate my memories during my journey.
16.45 I call out a thank you to the woman and run along the cobbles, wearing full skirts (plaid!) and a shawl and boots. I run after the goats, chasing them. I sit down inside a building, drinking some kind of kefir. It seems like I know this place and have lived here before.- I have darker skin and dark hair. I ask the lady in the house to see if I can find my ‘father’.
18.40 Instantly I am in the leather workshop behind the house. Goat skin is being stretched into huge drums. Cedar beamed roof, semi open air, some one is working- a leather-worker with measuring tools, very involved in the work. he makes the drums. I describe one of them. He plays them in the mountains waking up the stone to commune with the giant.
22:10 Macchu Pichu is a very ancient large giant.
This man knows my father. He shows me a small person- playing in a sand box. WIth little things made of sewn together rawhide. Little boots and vehicles. I watch him busy playing.
23.30 I am his big sister. I want to play with him, but I tell him I want to talk to the giant first - but I want to see how he grows up in the future. Instantly I am there and there is a spark of some fire in the air. Fire rocks are landing everywhere. They are the broken pieces of the Marduk ( ancient planet which blew apart.) We go to a secret place in the mountain- a cave. But the wood is burning in the town. We have left and not gone back to that place.
( I always knew our shared past life involved fire. I was also very telepathic with my father- which fits as being the older sister. )
23.55 I ask if there could be anything useful to my relationship with my father to find out. I go to visit the grown-up boy- 19/20. I tell him a little about our now. He is excited by the fire. He want sot understand its angles, its trajectory and where it comes form. I tell him there is a danger if he stays too long. I ask him to follow me down the steps.
26.— I explain his strengths in the current life - an instigator of new things, fascinated .
27.00 I got to talk to the mountain- the giant, wondering if I will find his mind as it seems he is deep sleep. I ask Prime Creator whether he is friendly or a domesday monster.
27.50 I will be told the story of him. He is called “adolphus” ( it means noble wolf!) I try to hear the exact name…go through a few, stopping at “adamawa” which sodas mightily like “adam”. “ aaah umm aaah” sounding name. A big, good sound.
“He was a being. There are such beings- you have heard of these- holding up the sky, it seems, that tall are they. Almost a mile high, that tall are they.
Something unfathomable for us. If they were that tall, then how big were the trees and the rocks and the stones and the rivers- they cannot have been just as small as they are. They must have been larger. Where are they? Was this planet larger?
‘Where did you come from you huge beings?’ You constructed yourself from the stones? Yes, like the Tolkein stories when the come to life: constructs of the stones, the giants. ‘There is the saying you have heard, of your mother being a giant- scary thing to be ) from another life-time. it would be funny if there was a link there. Not that they were very close in life in the one you know. - But these things can reverberate through time, these connections of spirit and mind, and sometimes heart- as you know.’
“Giant, your story I am hearing. You were roaming, this was your place. You stepped down to it from where? - Another place? the marduk place, you stepped from it? We do not know the form of planets. We are not in that kind of knowledge. It seems more to me, like a gyro sphere- the planets: layers of energetic field, always expanding. Depending on wha level of congruity YOU exist at. You experience your place and pace different: what may look like nothing, on another dimensional plane, definitely a ‘something’.
Many nothings may be surrounding the ‘something’ you can perceive.
Th flatness of the United Nations map is not non-sensical. Flat of course, it isn’t - curved and domed of convex manner, yes. Your ‘territory’ as it were, still not quite fully, for you are seeing it as a kind of computer game. - a sewn-together map. Well, that’s OK . You know the realities, you understand, are only held together by the framework frequency in which you live. So, change that, and you may see it differently. However, your place, yes, is this realm and you saw- did you not, like the spinning tops, the different planets. That would seems though they are ‘halves’ but they are not. A spinning top, to turn - the little ‘handle’ it is a central, circular cylindrical thing and you push down and you turn at the same time and it spins off. This is similar to the planetary system, however, what is above what you call your surface of the earth, is also “Earth’ - it is just other planes: etheric earth, other territories, infinitely so- in that spiral. A dome upwards, a dome below. Expansion out to either and all sides. And there are others, other ‘gyroscopes’, floating around - and these giants stepped off one of theirs. Do you know the book, the little Prince? It is very similar: there is one little child on his own planet- one planet for one child. And he manages to step to different planets to visit- similar to this, this very, very giant ‘rock man’. (Who) came, climbing down onto the earth and realised he was very heavy. He was heavy for the land, and he made spaces and depressions with his feet, and he found his shoulders were oppressed by some invisible barrier, but he found others of his kind, and the were rock- sloooow. Slow bodies, and their veins were the goldens and the silvers and the coppers and the leads- all the ‘liquid’, liquefiable metal,: the mercuries, the titanium’s. These were their veins, their organs- think of that! What a field that is, of difference. And they fell to the ground in a state of sleep- they just sleep. it is their long night. That is their life- I do not know if they dream. And that is that man, with his nose and his chin, and he sleeps deep.
34.00 And you know the volcanos, and the earthquakes, which are the real ones? -Not the HAARP ones- that is the twitching of them in their sleep. And you can talk to them and they will push the continents around. Yes, funny to think. You are living on the body of something, but it’s not that funny when you know, and you do know, how many thousands, how many millions of microbes live on the surface of YOUR body, (chuckle) Oooh, many stories could be told of THAT. So it’s not that unusual. Indeed, there you are…”
35.00 This is just to show what you can do with one piece of a story.
35.33 I com back into myself after 10-1. I apologise for having my head down and swirling around. And I suggest what I may be investigating soon…
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37365 is the destination tag

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

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